All Chaos Aside

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 I was close to retching. Blood in no way made me squeamish, but the portal back from from Avernus did. I was convinced we'd come back to The Devil's Fee with Mephistopheles hot on our heels. But he didn't appear, and instead I glanced around the room in search of Enver who hadn't yet arrived through the portal. My foot tapped on the wooden floor impatiently as I had to bite back the vile acid that ripped through my throat. A thought crossed my mind - Did the Arch devil catch him before he could make it back? The thought was cut short when Enver slammed into the floor, appearing next to me. He shook his head, tossing his thick black hair out of his face. He then glanced over to me as he picked himself up off of the ground.

He glowered as he caught notice of the smirk on my face. "Shut it, Frey."

I couldn't control the laughter that erupted from my lips. "Embarrassed, Enver? Your confidence seems to be dwindling."

He shoved past as he walked toward the door. "Let's go, we need to report our findings to Ketheric."

My brow raised, and I kept myself planted. "Report? You forget your place, Enver."

He paused before walking through the door. "You know what I mean."

He continued through the frame and down the stairs. I followed after, with the Crown of Karsus hidden securely in my bag. The stairs looped us into the lobby of The Devil's Fee. Helsik leaned against the counter at the front in her usual spot.

"Did you find what you were looking for?"

Enver stood at the entrance of the shop, readying himself to leave on my word. Helsik broke us into Cania, but our business was in no way hers.

"You've been paid and have played your part. Good day, Helsik."

I turned away from her, waving my hand in the air as a cue for Enver to leave. He did as told, and walked out of the shop with me following close behind.

The walk to The Blushing Mermaid was quiet. An odd meeting place, but there was absolutely no way I could trust Ketheric or Enver with the location of my sanctuary. My nerves were on edge as we neared the establishment. We had just done the impossible and stole from an arch devil, and with our luck, Mephistopheles could pop in at any given moment. Before we stepped in to the building, Enver gripped my arm pulling me back towards him.

"Can I trust you'll keep to our original plan?"

I glanced down at the grip he had on my skin. "Nervous I'll slice you in your sleep and take the crown for myself?"

"Honestly, yes. Considering you're the cult leader of those damn Bhaalist."

My brow raised at his sudden bluntness. "You should have thought about this topic before you decided to trust another God's chosen."

He shook his head in disbelief. "I suppose there's no turning back now."

I cut past him, and walked into the tavern. I could only guess that he followed me in. Ketheric sat alone at a table in the back left corner. He wore civilian attire to blend in, and looked absolutely foolish. But he was smart, and I could only respect that, just a little bit. The God Myrkul's chosen, one who I disliked even more than Bane's chosen. Ketheric thought of himself as invincible, not to be tangled with. I knew better than that, and was in no way scared of him. What did the God of Slaughter's chosen have to be afraid of?

Enver and I sat at the table across from Ketheric. Ketheric's eyes widened, like he hadn't expected us to return.

"So, you didn't die."

I faked surprise. "You had such little faith in us? I thought you knew little old me better than that."

He scowled. "Enough with the theatrics, Child of Bhaal. Did you retrieve the Crown?"

A smirk played on my lips but I didn't answer. I loved being an absolute nightmare for him.

Enver thumped my nose and answered Ketheric's question. "We have it."

Ketheric nodded. "Good, then we shall be ready to start at in a few days time."

I beckoned over a bar-maiden, looking forward to drinking the night away. "Send over as much ale as you can. This one here-" My fingers directs over to Ketheric. "-is absolutely insufferable."

"Lucky for you, I'm taking my leave to head toward Moonrise Towers. Do not be late."

With that, Mykrul's Chosen left us. The bar-maiden brought plenty of ale over to the table, and I sent a wink her way as she scurried off. Enver groaned, and moved to the seat across from me where Ketheric originally sat. He pulled the ale to his lips, swigging back the entire cupful.

"You'll be joining my drinking spree tonight, I assume?"

He nodded his head, picking up another cup of ale, bringing it mid-air. "To us. The two brilliant chosen's who stole from the devil."

I watched him with a playful smirk pulling at my lips. To think, he truly thought by being Bane's chosen, he could live up to the potential of a God. But no God could ever surpass Bhaal. Bane and Myrkul have no followers behind them. Bhaal has followers hidden in every shadowed corner of the city, under the city and on. We are an eternal blood bath. Enver Gortash, Child of Bane, would soon be the Child of None.

I brought my cup up to match his. "To being Absolute."

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