War of Hearts

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Laughter filled the tavern as Enver told another of his jokes.

"How is playing bridge similar to sex?" He glanced around the room waiting for answers. But only a few hiccups and murmurs filled the room.

He finished the joke. "If you don't have a good partner, you better have a good hand."

More laughter moved through the room as I poured back the rest of my ale. "I should go. I'm quite sure Orin has slit Scleritas throat eighty times by now."

Enver glanced back toward me. "You leave so soon, Frey?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Like we haven't been here for hours. Plus, Orin knows damn well it's my job to kill Scleritas, he's my butler after all."

He leaned back in his seat, his eyes trained on me. "What a bore you are. I thought someone as devilish as you wouldn't have a curfew. Shouldn't you be out marking others with your blade, little Bhaal?"

A playful smirk formed at my lips. "Why? Looking to be my first target of the night?"

He then leaned forward, this time with a serious look. Only a few inches from face, he responded. "Actually, I was curious as to what it would be like to watch you."

My brow raised. "Watch me?"

He nodded. "What more to make this night interesting than to see a murder goddess in her true habitat?"

Enver Gortash could be quite surprising sometimes. Moments would flutter by where I felt as if I could trust him with my life, and others when I knew it was time to cut his life short. He was loyal to our cause, my cause. But I knew he only wanted power over Baldur's Gate, and I was going to achieve greatness by depleting the world of its existence. I suppose his idea of ruling would be gone soon. His place in my plan was almost at the end of it's course.

"Follow me then, if you feel so confident."

I fled faster than he could follow. I took to the shadows, and walked through darkened alleyways near the docks. If I were to find someone to kill tonight, someone that wouldn't be missed, it would be here. The dark waves from the water could be seen from where I stood, and so could Enver. His silhouette came into view as he walked along the beach, his eyes searching everywhere for my form. But he still never caught notice of my hidden body, and he was only a few mere feet away. Neither did the man who surely towered over my height. The man drunkenly walked past, not realizing I was directly behind him. His life was mine, his death was mine - and he had no clue how fast it would occur. Swiftly, I jumped onto his back - pulling my blade across his throat, splattering blood onto any surface it came in contact with. As I hopped off of the man, his large body toppled to the ground. I checked around for prying eyes, and specifically Gortash. But he was nowhere to be found. I took a step back as the blood trailed down the dirt, almost ruining my boots. As I did, my body came in contact with another large figure. This time, a dagger slid up to my neck. Whoever this was, they had me in their grasp. Temporarily.

"You've taken life. Now, I think it's my turn.. Don't you?"

Enver breathed into my ear, his question hovering as his chest pressed into my back. His blade pressed tighter into my skin.

I gasped out. "You wouldn't."

A quiet raspy laugh vibrated my cheek. "Wouldn't I? I suppose I could just cut you down here, and leave for Moonrise Towers alone. I know your whole plan after all."

As I tried to maneuver to break free from his clutches, he tightened his grip on the blade - causing it to slice into my skin lightly. As the blood trickled down my neck, I let out an aggravated grunt.

"I thought the Chosen of Bane was supposed to be orderly and loyal."

He dropped the dagger from my neck, and took a step back. I moved in haste away from him, cautiously watching his every move. He then smirked, his eyes moving from my face to my feet and back up again.

"He is. I am. I thought you liked games, Frey."

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