Bloodless Burdens

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I chewed on the inside of my cheek, holding back the vile thoughts I had about Enver. Who was he to place a blade at my throat? He was lucky that I didn't slaughter him here and now. He interrupted my thoughts.

"What fun you are, Frey. I was only jesting with you. You know I'd never break a smart alliance."

My eyes cut to him. "You'd be smart to never hold a blade to my jugular again. Next time, I'll cut your eye out and place it on my pedestal in the sanctuary."

His eyes followed my withdrawing figure as I slid past him, making my way towards home. "I'd gladly let you cut any part of me if it meant you'd stay."

I froze. He truly was a magnificent creature to sacrifice a part of himself so easily, but it was best if I didn't play with him too early. I could do real damage before he played his part.

With a shake of my head, I continued on the path to Bhaal's sanctuary.

As I entered the Sanctuary of Bhaal, our followers would bow their heads as I passed each and everyone. Whispers of bloody fantasies caught my hearing just enough that I could glance over to the specific culprit, giving them the slightest smirk. Our people were loyal to the cause, some bloodier than others but still loyal.

Orin snuck up behind me as I walked down each step toward my sleeping chambers at the bottom our sanctuary.

"Slaughter-kin, you've been up to something. Haven't you?"

I continued to ignore her as I walked through the stone doorway. Orin had almost been knocked in her face with a pair of boots as I tossed them toward the wall after removing them.

"You vile creature-"

My body shifted towards her as I neared the bed. "Any important reason you're here, or is it just to be a pain in my ass?"

I held my dagger in the air between us, directing it toward her. Her pale eyes widened, and her brows furrowed. This look of hers painted a portrait of an annoying psychotic who only wanted to interfere to be a pest. Her jealousy was apparent everyday I was near her. She never dared to pull a weapon on me though, considering I was the master of our sanctuary. I was Bhaal's chosen, and she only pretended to be my equal. She knew the truth, she'd never be that.

"Dear sister, you seem to have become quite fond with that tyrant you hang around. Losing your edge?"

The blade still held between us. "I near the edge every time you are near." I seethed out the next word as if it were poison. "Sister."

Sceleritas appeared between us. "I believe it's time for you to go, Pretender. My lady and I have important matters to attend to, and you are not welcome to our meeting."

Orin said no more and stomped off like a toddler, leaving my butler and I to speak.

The stone was cold as usual on my feet as I stepped toward the bed. As I took a seat, the silk sheets sunk in. Sceleritas tip toed over to the bedside, but continued to stand - he knew better than to use my items for his own use.

"My lady. Were you truly out with Bane's chosen this evening?"

I pulled the top over my head, flinging it towards Sceleritas - but he waved his hand and it flew to the stone floor beside him. 

I answered. "And if I was?"

He shook his head, eyes wide. "Oh nothing, My Lady! If you choose to befriend another, for your own gain, of course - I shall never dissuade you."

He then smiled widely. "However, your father is only curious as to what Enver Gortash's importance will be after the crown is placed on the brain."

My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I fell backwards onto the soft bedding. "There's no importance. He's just a means to an end. Just a piece in my game that I'm not done playing with yet."

Sceleritas nodded his head, taking a step back. "Does My Lady need anything else from her best caretaker?"

Not a word uttered and he vanished from the room. Orin tried her best to eavesdrop, but I could hear her outside my quarters.

"I can hear you, Orin. If you do not leave, a dagger with my hand attached to it will suddenly slit your throat."

Her groan was loud, like a child's. She wanted me to know the irritation she felt in that moment, but not a care in the world shook my mind.

The rest of the evening consisted of my packing a bag to take on the long road to Moonrise Towers. A few change of clothes, my favorite blades and a good amount of coin to bring for anything I needed to purchase. I didn't concern myself with bringing anything for Enver, he was a big boy. 

Rest was easy. My dreams consisted of hills of bodies. Orin's among them. Though she was considered family, it didn't make the want to kill her less than. I stood at the top of a structure I couldn't make out, but no one other than myself was alive. The dream reminded me of what was to come for the future. I would seek to destroy any humanity left in the realm, leaving myself as the last to live - before finally taking my own life for the love of my father. I was sure a smile slid onto my face as I slept peacefully. But why did the slightest bit of regret flicker through my thoughts, when I carry no mortal compass?

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