Chapter 6: Paw code, forest grows.

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We both keep on walking, its more late than I thought it would be, although I could still see the sun, it was somehow the sunset right now. I was following him from behind as he guides me on the sidewalk, I still walk pretty much next to him. The one who I still don't know the name of, so I call him "the wolf". The way to where he guides me feel long. It was completely silent, the setting sun lightly illuminating us as we keep on walking. We both walk, our paw steps echoing through the somehow empty streets. It feels long the way to where he wants to guide me. At some point there got to be something that will happen else than us silently walking. Surely enough, something happens. Not the wolf talking, not a random sound or a car passing by. But rather a hooded figure, although it was simple discerning who it was. A green deer wearing a dark hoodie, either depressed, either tired or just walking with a hood on his head. Seemingly, there was one of his defenses that were broken, like someone broke a part of it or something. He, I hope, accidently bump into us. I hear him mutter a "Sorry." before walking away like nothing happen. Something strange with that deer was... his smell. He had a strong smell. He was emanating a sort of smell of the nature, and it was strong. A mix of pine tree and oak tree. It was pretty... strange. Giving the fact that all other deer I know don't have such smell. I knew it couldn't be some sort of cologne, there is none that smell like that. Why do I know this? When I was working younger, it was in a beauty shop, I know it's strange, but that was like my second job. And in this beauty shop, there was pretty much any cologne you could think of. Never was there one that smell like that deer seemed to smell. It was his natural smell, and it was really unusual. I decide to try and ignore the smell. But it was persistent. I curiously decide to turn around to see how far the deer was... He was gone, out of my vision, he wasn't behind me. He wasn't there, at least this was for my vision. I turn back towards the wolf. The smell was still present. The wolf seems to gesture me to come next to him. I oblige and go station myself next to him, walking along his steps. He speaks up, barely above a whisper.

Wolf: Can you smell it?

He asks and I frown. I nod apprehensively, he was talking about the smell of that deer.

Wolf: Good, just stay on your guards. When we'll have arrived at the place, I'll do a loud thump with my left paw and turned 90 degrees to the left. Take this as a cue to look around you and analyze the place. At the third time though. So, the third time I do the left turned thump, it'll be when you'll need to look around you to take in the surroundings. He's still around us somewhere.

I nod, taking in all the information he gave me. The third time he stomps with his left paw turned 90 degrees to his left. I guess I can do it, sure? So, we keep on walking, still with that special precise nature smell around us. The deer was still around that was for sure. He's there somewhere, keeping an eye on us for some reason. I look around us, sometime at the paws of the wolf, waiting for the stomp. Surely enough, the first stomp come. Right paw not turned. I look around us, as if I was analysing our surroundings, not actually taking in the look of the place. We both knew, it was meant to trick the deer, thinking that this is some sort of cue, but the wolf will stomp a few more times... a lot more times. We keep on walking, a few occasional stomps from the deer. Until... First left paw turned left 90 degrees. It still wasn't the main cue. I look around me, no sight of the deer. We keep on walking, a few stomps not the right paw, or not the right turn. And then... two, the second left stomp turned 90 degrees to the left. We were getting close. The deer was still around, I could still smell him, oh my fucking god was that smell persistent and strong, although it was a smell I could get used to for sure, it was rather... calming somehow. It was a good smell... No, no time for distraction, I needed to focus. A few more minutes passes by before finally "stomp", one that rings and resonate, as I look at it. Left paw, turned left 90 degrees for the third time. This was my cue. I officially look around me to take in my surroundings. A decent apartment block in front of the sea. Simple to remember, this apartment building was going by the name of "See the sea". And... we keep on walking, to avoid suspicions, of course, as we keep on walking, a few more stomps is heard from the wolf. I keep on doing as if I was taking in my surroundings. After a few minutes of stomping every ten seconds, I stop looking around me as a few more stomps are heard from the wolf. After a few more minutes, no more stomps are heard. After a few more minutes later we both stop... A giant forest in front of us. The wolf had suddenly stopped with a seemingly worried look on his face as I walk next to him. I look at him worried, he looks troubled. At the sight of the forest, his look in his eyes, my curiosity has been peaked.

Ray: On which street are we?

Before speaking he clear his throat and swallow his saliva.

Wolf: Harmester street...

There is not supposed to be a forest in the middle of this street.

Wolf: Do you have a weapon?

I nod.

Ray: In my pocket.

Wolf: Well, you're better getting it out because I think you'll need it. We don't have any other choices than going into the forest to avoid suspicion from the deer that is very probably somewhere around us.

Without a word I oblige. I get my weapon out of my pocket and extend it into a stick. We start walking towards the forest, the wolf had a sword in hand. The atmosphere started to grow gloomier as we enter the forest. There was something wrong, this deer was not a normal deer. Lucky I am not a normal wolf... 


Deer god finally! (Get the joke? Like, deer, dear... don't judge, I am no humorist!) Welp, finally finish this chapter. Well, less words than I hoped, but I guess it's still a good amount. 1 130-ish. That's it for the chapter's author note, I don't have much to say. I hope you all have a great day, and I'll see you on the next chapter in a few days!

-Pelfox Candlelight


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