Chapter One: Not Guilty

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And there I was, sitting on the defendant's chair, my lawyer sitting next to me, his grey wolf ears pointing straight in the air, not moving a single inch, he imitate his ears and he does not move, an average lawyer suit on. Why was I sitting there? How does it come that I'm here? I did not kill my parents, and... I don't know who did. Two days ago, I found the dead bodies of my parents in their bed after I had gone to the restaurant, without many deep wound and cuts, it took no time before I called the police and then I somehow got suspected of murder, for some reason.

Judge: The defendant stands here accused of first-degree murder on Ms. And Mr. Rally. What does the defendant plead?

I was stressed, a lot, risking to go to prison, all because I was the one finding my parents dead bodies, my brother seemed to not even have bother to come in the audience...

Ray: Not guilty your honor.

I say calmly, trying to not show any emotions on my face.

Judge: Good, your trial may start, do you have any lawyer to defend your case Mr. Rally?

Ray: Yes, sitting right beside me your honor.

Judge: Alright. So, may you make us know the reason of your pleading?

Ray: Yes, your honor. And it is quite simple. I just did not kill my parents, why would they're own son do this when they gave everything to him, did everything for him?

Judge: There can be many reasons, but onto the proof. Do you have any?

Ray: Yes, your honor, there should be a witness in the audience and someone holding camera recording in their possession.

As I say these words, I try to analyze the judge, but come to no conclusion. As his attire was far too complete to be able to distinguish any facial trait, as I was a little too far from them. There was far too much being covered, heck, their neck wasn't even visible.

Judge: May the witness stand up?

I refined Doberman, wearing a formal restaurant worker attire stands up, about 6'1 tall.

Witness: That is me your honor.

Judge: May I know the role you play as a witness?

Witness: Yes, your honor, it should be already said, but the defendant went to a restaurant a few hours away from the murder. I was their waiter at this very restaurant all the time they were there. From around 13:50 to 21:50.

Judge: Good, you may sit back down. May the person in the possession of the recording stand up?

The witness sits back in his seat before a rather tall and imposing lion stands up. A formal attire, making him look rather nice and strict. A red tie, a white buttoned up shirt with a dark blue one over it. Usual expansive black pants. The manager of the restaurant.

Manager: That person happens to be me your honor, the manager of the "En ces lieux nous mangeons.". I currently have in my possession the camera recording of the whole day at the restaurant.

Judge: May you go in front and show us this very recording?

Manager: Yes, your honor.

The lion moves out of his place and walk on the red fancy mat of the court and go in the front of the audience. He takes out a sort of metal card, the supposed recording. He presses a very visible red button in the card and a holographic screen appears, and the recoding starts right away... 00:00, nothing, nobody, at the same time, its midnight, why would anybody be there? All the clean mopped floor, the red banquet seats, like no one was here before... 9:00, the restaurant open, some irrelevant people enter, a female tiger, with who I guessed being their boyfriend, another tiger, with, both fancy clothes, the name "En ces lieux nous mangeons." does seem like a fancy restaurant name. Having its name originated from the french language, it only make sense, the manager knew too how to speak french, but that was no use to "show off" in the court. Blue lobster was one of their main dishes. The couple takes a seat, and, as these scenes of the restaurant being flooded with other clients are rather useless for the trial, the video get sped up until 14:00, where the cameras show me seated somewhere near a window, looking outside, although I still hadn't chose my food, I just kept my ass on the seat, my elbow on the table, my cheek in the palm of my hand, I was there, waiting, looking outside, the leaves falling from the trees as the Fall season was starting and a few of the trees were already denuded of their foliage. And a waiter comes up to me, the Doberman, with his notepad in hand, ready to take note of the food I wish to eat, but, I didn't knew what I wanted and asked for recommendation, and I ended choosing a simple spaghetti, well, the "Spaghetti From Deep Below" a way to mean, a spaghetti, with sea food, and béchamel sauce instead of tomato sauce, and I also took as drink... Water, a glass of water. And it already was ready, so I took a sip of it, they did offer small plastic straw to use to drink, but I didn't needed any, the recording goes on, boring usual restaurant activities, chatting with the waiter, ordering more food, making some trips to the bathroom, I would've said to throw up, but, the food was good there, it was, to more directly say, take a piss, or shit, depending of my digesting system. The recording gets a little fast forwarded until... 18:34, the supposed time of the murder, if the witness wasn't enough, the recoding should be enough to prove my innocence. And the recoding keep going, me still order plate of food one after the other, digging through them and letting nothing left on the plate as I have been teached to always eat everything that was given me to eat without anything to pay, although, there I would have to empty my pocket to pay for all the food I had eaten. One more hour, two more hour, I was still there 20:34, eating yet another dish that I had randomly chosen on the menu, until the hour 21:46, where I decide to take off, pay for the exorbitant bill of around 427,87$... Emptying my pocket. From there on, the recording shows nothing else as the only camera there was at this restaurant were inside of it, so, it is easy to assume I went home right after, and I did. Since there was nothing more relevant in the recording, the judge speaks up.

Judge: Alright, enough information has been given to us sir, you may go sit back to your seat.

And without a word, the lion stops the recording and make the holographic screen goes off, he stuffs it back in his tuxedo's interior pocket and walk back to his place before sitting down next to the Doberman.

Judge: Good, now, may someone retrace the happenings of the day?

My lawyer stands up, his grey tail slightly wagging, happy to finally have some involvement.

Lawyer: I'll do it your honor.

Judge: Good, you may go stand in front of the court.

And as the judge say this, my lawyer follow order and go stand steady in front of the court, nothing in hand, apart from his thumbs twirling as this was one of the few trials, he took attendance of, but stay steady and professional, nevertheless. And he starts to speak up loudly, in a steady voice.

Lawyer: 10:00, my client wake up and take care of doing his usual morning routine, at this time, his parents are already gone to work, he had the day off for him, and after a bit of tranquility at home, watching whatever T.V shows he was able to, out of boredom, he decides to go to a restaurant who goes by the name of "En ces lieux nous mangeons.", he take his car keys, lock the door as no one else was home, go in his car and drive to the place. He arrives at around 13:50 to the restaurant and get his seat given around 14:00. A few usual things happen, he eats in tranquility, enjoying the loneliness in some way, and the clock hits 18:34, he finds himself to still be eating, lonely. While, in supposition, the murder happens. The day at the restaurant goes on until, around 21:46, he decides to set off, pay for his food bill, and head home, at his arrival, he finds the dead bodies of his parents, already no more breathing, he calls the police, he gets suspected, and gets lead to this very trial.

My lawyer finishes to speak, and without another word, he goes sit back to his place, next to me, as he sighs out heavily and I hear his heart pulse, as I can't help but agree on the fact that this must've been stressing.

Judge: Good, thank you sir. Now, may we move on to what we all shall guess being the last part.

The judge stays silent for a moment before speaking up again.

Judge: Is there any further accusation towards the defendant Mr. Ray Rally?

He says loudly, nobody in the audience speaks, the court stays silent before the judge finally gives his verdict.

Judge: Good, then, Mr. Ray Rally is declared... Not guilty of the murder of Mr. and Ms. Rally, trial dismissed, case unsolved.

I deeply sigh in relief as I stand up and start walking towards the door to leave the court as my lawyer follow behind.


Pfiou! Work done after much much much... copy and paste and correcting from the document. So yes, I've already have a few chapters ready everybody to read. In any case, I hope you liked this first chapter, and it is only the start :)

And for the one who didn't understood, how dear mister main character goes by the name of "Ray Rally", you will discover more about him very soon..:)

Also, once again, I can't thank him enough CandletheCat Thanks a bunch yet again for the great book cover! You guys should check him out, he does; great story, great drawings, and is, as one may say; "heartwarming", and he really is in his quick messages destined to the readers. :) Can't thank you enough bud!

-Pelfox Candlelight


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