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"5, 3, 1, and we're live! Hello gays, guys and girls. This is live week no.13, welcome!" Ivan sat back in his chair after fixing the camera angle and making sure the live was running smoothly.

The rest of the band could be seen fixing and tuning their instruments. Except Xio, who was busy texting someone on her phone.

"'Who is Xio texting?' Dunno, ask her." Ica read a question from the comments, catching Xio's attention at the mention of her name.

She rolled her eyes at the drummer, knowing it was his way of telling her to get off the phone. She placed her phone down and faced the camera with a playful frown. "I was texting my biggest fan."

Iz snorted, fixing his seat in the chair to face Xio. "And who could that be?"

"Your mom." She snarked back with a smirk and a wink, relishing in the look of disgust on Iz's face.

A soft 'badum tss' could be heard from Ica's drums, making the youngest member erupt in laughter.

"The funny thing is you can't even deny that, Z, 'cause Hayley does love Xio more than you." Ica added more fuel to the fire, surprisingly enjoying the banter between his members.

Iz was about to respond with another snarky reply when thankfully, their manager cleared his throat to stop them.

They all frowned childishly at the same time, much to the viewers amusement.

"Alright then, let's start the first song. Let's see who'll go first, shall we?"

After a quick game of rock, paper, scissors, a frowning Xio was born. The results of the game say that Ica will sing his chosen song first, then Ivan, then Iz, and lastly Xio. Then they will move on to the song requests.

"Looks like I'll start off today, huh?" Ica let out a chuckle at the childish glare his members sent him. "I'll be singing K. by Cigarettes After Sex. I heard it from Xio's playlist one time and liked it, so here we are. Ready?"

Ivan started the beat off, followed by Iz's bass, then Xio's e-guitar, then Ica's drums and vocals.

Xio's brows furrowed when the comments were going crazy and filled with Xica shippers. She turned to look at their drummer, only to see him already staring at her.

She raised a brow at him, noticing the playful look in his eyes. The electric guitarist decided to play along, letting out a soft chuckle when Ica sent her a wink at the line, "Stay with me, I don't want you to leave."

The Xica shippers are fed this week.

Once Ica finished, Xio knew Iz was also planning something, basing on the mischievous smirk on the bassist's lips.

"As I posted, I'll be singing Moth To A Flame by The Weekend-"

"Yeah, 'cause you're a paramour. Yikes." Xio teased, earning a scoff from Iz.

"You're one to talk, Miss Womanizer."

Everything was going smoothly, the bassist was finally being normal for once... until he wasn't.

Iz had the audacity to point at Ica while singing the chorus, keeping his eyes on Xio. The only girl had to stop herself from scoffing, instead, she played along, giving the bassist a wink.

When Iz's song was over, he also gave a wink to Xio, which made the comments go crazy. The comment section was practically filled with Izio shippers and Iz's bitches.

Xio rolled her eyes at him, a disgusted look resided on her face. "I'll probably regret playing along when I see the edits later."

Ivan's performance was also going peacefully, like usual. He never really flirted with Xio unless it was instructed by their company, today was different though.

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