birds go bird-watching too // mirrors ♡

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i watched the tears collect on her eyelashes and run down her face, and i watched the anger in her soul turn to grief. i watched her, and i wondered if she'd ever raise her head up to notice me watching her. i wondered if she'd ever watch me too. i watched her turn, i watched her walk away, and i watched her cry as she was left behind. i watched her, the girl in the mirror, desperately staring at her own reflection as it refuses to meet her eyes, full of tears. i watched her and i knew her, i knew every part of her soul, and i loved her, i loved her even though she hated herself. i watched her and i wrote it all down and i acted like i wasn't talking about myself. i watched her and i watched her and i watched her, and she watched me, and she watched herself, and i watched myself. and when i could no longer, i sunk down to the floor and let the tears continue falling with me. and no one was even watching.


jan 8, 2023

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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