16|Anything Kaida Seh

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A/N— This chapter uses a lot of imagery. Vote, comment & enjoy!

Jamari 'Rome' Hayes| 23

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Jamari 'Rome' Hayes| 23

🗓️Friday, August 11th📍Hay Den

Menace by Skeng blasts through the speakers as I snort a line laughing before grabbing my machete.

Covered in blood from head to toe, I circle him as I nod my head to the Skeng playlist I had going.

I was in a good fucking mood, it might have something to do with the man I was torturing or it might have everything to do with my pretty mamí.

After getting a call from Syn seh them kidnap the yute, I dropped her off at home.

He was missing a few fingers and bleeding heavily but I was nowhere near finished with him.

"P-please why are you doing this?" he asks and I smile as the song changes to Highway, I was indeed high as fuck right now and if I don't pace myself I might OD.

The music cuts off and I turn ready fi chip two clatt, "Yuh phone a ring Rome" Shako says walking into the room and I take it from him.

"Happy Birthday pretty" I smile at her and she blushes, it was FaceTime but I was wearing a balaclava.

It was black and mixed with the dim lighting in the room, it hid the color of the blood well so she wouldn't be able to see.

"Thank you but why am I starting my day with you not here?" she questions pouting and I chuckle, such man head snapping up at the sound of her voice.

Tilting my head to the side, I bite my lip under the mask.

"Gimmie an hour" I tell her and she shakes her head, "30 minutes the most" she demands and I laugh.

"Anything Kaida seh" I respond and she laughs.

Handing the phone back to Shako, he turns the music back up before he walks out and I turn to the pussy again.

"She s-sent you" he cries and I move closer to him, lifting the machete I run it across his chest, cutting deep and he screams like a likkle bitch.

"Mi nuh wah yuh mention har, deven wah yuh a think bout har pussy" I threaten digging deeper and his head droops.

Dropping the machete, I grabbed the blowtorch, "No sleeping fi you" I seethed turning it on and resting the flame against the cut I just made.

I wasn't satisfied and until I was, I wasn't about to let him bleed out. He deserves to suffer before I feed him to my dogs.

Screaming at the sizzling of his flesh, I bite my lip slightly getting off to the smell of his flesh burning.

Burning his chest shut to stop the bleeding, I dropped the torch and stepped back to admire my artwork.

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