Easy(Album) - Le Sserafim ranking

28 2 4

One thing in common for every song is that they're all like 2:30 long, where tf did the bridges go what

And if it had a bridge, where'd the last chorus go. It sounds like it got cut abruptly in some cases which I don't think is good

It's all not just them, everyone is cutting songs short because streaming or whatever(which is dumb in my opinion) but yeah makes me sad

Ok let me actually rank the songs now lmao

5: Good Bones

By default the intro songs are always last, but also they're not really singing most of it anyway so is it even a song(?)

Idk, but this is one of the better intros I like it a lot. Some days I like it better than The Hydra but it depends

Idk/10 lmao

4: We Got So Much

It's a good song, being honest out of every song this one sounds the most complete.

Idk I think I need to give her more time because I really don't have much of an opinion on it except that "It's good"


3: Easy

Don't cancel me but one of their weaker title tracks, but it is very catchy. Annoying how it literal has no bridge though that pisses me off

I've already talking about it technically but I'll say the choreography is very fun and I wanna learn it eventually

Can't tell if it's better than Unforgiven, because rn those are the bottom 2 title tracks for me atm lol

Also don't blame the concept on the girls idfk what's going on with that but I know they didn't chose it


2: Swan Song

She's cute

She's also a very fucking catchy song holy shit I sing this all the time every day it's getting bad 😭

Again, choreography is pretty decent, not as good as Easy but it's still alright and very simple

BUT, when I said some songs end abruptly this is the main reason, like it feels like the last stanza phrase like thing should've looped one more time and then the songs ends

Other than that it actually has a bridge which eats, Yunjin's line is just good idk I sing it every second of the day

Like yes shining like a diamond sing it


1: Smart

This and Fire and the Belly knows what's good

I love this style of music and I'm probably biased but yeah this song is way too good.

Only thing holding it back is it's length once again, because I can't loop it as many times without it getting "annoying" because it's too SHORTT

yeah tryna to help streaming by making it shorter but it backfires since you can't listen to it as many times because it's short

Anyways choreography, everyone knows it's good. Everyone's already said every good thing about it

When I learn it it's over for you all(jk 😻😻) but yeah Chaewon you've made my homosexual again so thank you

Also the stage where Sakura made their outfits omg ❤️❤️ I love her sm it's getting so bad wtf

Anyway yeah this song is pretty great and is one of my favorites from them now :)


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