Kiss of Life(Album) - Kiof Ranking

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Yes I'm doing this because they're new song is coming out on April 3rd 2024 on a Wednesday

So before they give us more amazing music, let me finally get to ranking the songs they already have.

Btw for a discography so small it's crazy how every song is good

Also yes the EP is the same name of the group 😱

Ok yay song time

* and ** means I literally switched them so many times lmao, This is so hard

6: Kitty Cat(Julie)

Julie Ily bro I'm sorry. But being honest as of now this is my least favorite Kiof(yes it's an f) song, and it's still so good which is insane.

Again, it's good. Like the lowest is good, which means the rest are great and better that's so crazy.

But yeah idk sometimes this song feels or sounds weird sometimes idfk, but maybe it's just me. Very cool though


*5: Bye My Neverland

Honestly this and 4th are almost tied, but they are basically interchangeable so they are tied idfk.

This song is really fucking good, like it's great 😭 brings all the feels and is pretty good for "that one sad song on the album"

Also the on hit of chimes in the first prechorus OMFG YES I WANT MORE. I wish it was louder.


*4: Countdown(Belle)

I can't tell if I like this or BMN(?) more, it can change by the hour being so honest.

This is a great song, and probably has my favorite plot from the 4 solo MVs, it can be very relatable in multiple different ways.

Belle being Ariana Grande herself as everyone knows eats this up omg, singing along to this is wayyy too hard
But yeah fr a banger, love it a lot

7.2/10 sorry weird number idk

**3: Shhh

Top 5 best debuts every period. I'm being so serious it's insane how good this song is for their FIRST❗️❗️❗️

Everyone and their mom has praised this song and it's obvious why duhh, it's just that good bro. The connecting plots of all the MVs and it all combining in this one YESS.

I miss Kpop groups with lore(I know they still exist dw) so this is good. Also the lore isn't confusing as fuck which is good for my stupid ass brain(Nmixx literally wtf is going on 😭)


**2: Sugarcoat(Natty)

I actually put this in 3rd and then changed it lmao, I listen to it too often not too.

Every kpop idol likes this song, and so do I do that means we have something in common. But yeah once again everyone and their father is in love because it's Natty duh.

Natty is such an amazing person and everything, her dancing is also so satisfying like what.

This song is great, it's amazing actually let's be real.

Only complaint is that the low parts are hard to sing but that's just a "skill issue" omfg that's actually cringe but I'll keep it in 😱

But also it's hard to her too so we also have that in common which means she should fr marry me 😻


1: Play Love Games(Haneul)

Im biased bro this song is just too good. But this is fr just my personal bush ranking, it would be different if I did it just solely on the songs(which is what I "try" to do in other rankings btw)

Haneul marry me please bro omfg I love you this song is just so fun and shit

I'm so sad this is the least popular one like it's just so GOOD. Also the stage is very slay I love her blonde curly hair she looks like a doll and such and it's adorable ☹️

Bridge is my favorite part, probably why it's at the top being honest. Like the lower tone and her voice is just UGHHH YAYYY I LVOE IT

I know this wasn't as like constructive but there's not much to complain about for shy of these songs being honest


Yay I did 1 out of 2 of their albums(this was done March 25th that's why)

Midas Touch seems like such a cool concept though like I like gold 😻

I need to stop using that emoji it's like the 5th time 😭

Anyways please they're so underrated go stream and do whatever, listen to their music and indulge and just like die of happiness from it

Then come back to life because again the new songs we gotta stream and shit 🤫🧏‍♀️

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