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Chapter 336: How long have you been dating [four more

"You...huh!" Xie Han's face became angry when he heard it, and in the end he could only stomped his feet and pulled Ye Zhi into the house next to him.

Unexpectedly, I originally wanted to roll it well, and I would count on Luo Yechen. And now, the BMW of his proud son is not a fraction of others. This is too incredible!

When did Ye Chen actually become so rich? Impossible! It can be described as dumbfounded!

"Xiaochen, this is..." Looking at the girl who looked like a fairy in front of him, Luolan's expression was completely puzzled, her expression stunned. When did his own son get on his nerves, and when he came back, he brought such a beautiful beauty with him.

In front of this beauty, the heavens and the earth seemed to fade, and the sun and the moon lost their brilliance. It can be said that it is perfect. This is an existence that drives boys crazy and girls envy and hate.

"Mom! Okay, I'm Ye Xing!" When Ye Chen wanted to introduce, a bright smile appeared on Ye Xing's face next to him, and he took Luolan's hand and gave a quick introduction.

"Mom!" When Luo Lan, who was in front of him, heard Ye Xing's address for herself, her face was excited and shocked. Looking at his son, he gave a thumbs up.

Unexpectedly, his son actually found such a beautiful girlfriend. Although the same surname is Ye, Lorraine is very satisfied. As long as they are not close relatives, no.

"Mom, this is my eighth elder sister, not what you think." Seeing the completely different look in his mother's eyes, Ye Chen didn't know what to say.

This is my eighth sister! Not his girlfriend. It seems that this is a complete misunderstanding of my mother. Embarrassing Ye!

"I know! I know! Since they are all here, come in and sit down!" When Luolan in front of him heard Ye Chen's explanation, he smiled and looked at Ye Xing in front of him.

"Ye Xing! The conditions in our family are a bit rudimentary, and I hope you don't mind." This time, it can be said that God has really opened his eyes and gave himself such a beautiful daughter-in-law. For this, Lorraine is very satisfied.

"Mom! What are you talking about! How could I mind, I don't mind at all. What's more, I have money!" Ye Xing who was in front of him heard it, but smiled slightly, shook his head, and said seriously. .

However, Ye Xing was still a little surprised. The environment in which my brother lives is really not very good. In the living room, there is only one table, a few chairs and an old fan. It looks like it should be something from the 80s and 90s.

On the wall of the living room, there is a wall clock. The wall clock seems to have been around for a long time and is still rotating slowly, but the time difference is about ten minutes. This wall clock should be from the 80s and 90s.

"Is it hot? If it's hot, I'll turn on the fan for you!" After entering the living room, Luolan didn't wait for Ye Xing to agree, and quickly turned on the electric fan in front of him. There was a buzzing sound, which sounded very Is old.

"Xiao Chen, where do you live?" Ye Xing looked at Luolan who was walking towards the kitchen, his face was puzzled, and he looked at Ye Chen and asked.

"This way?" said, pointing to a room next to him.

The house here is not a standard three-bedroom and one living room. It is four rooms and one hall.

"No! That's my mom and dad's room. My room is here." Ye Chen saw it, shook his head, and pointed to a larger room next to it, and said.

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