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Chapter 366: I wish you have fun [one more]

"Xiaochen, when is your flight ticket today?" And on the second day, when the first ray of light came in from the outside, the young man who was closing his eyes slowly opened his eyes, and followed What came was a figure of a girl with a scent of sweat on her forehead came into the field of vision.

"I don't know, it should be at noon! I remember it was noon, let me see!" Looking at Ye Xing who was working hard in front of him, Ye Chen smiled slightly, took the phone next to him, and started to inquire.

I had a dream just now, a very **** dream. Unexpectedly, the scene in the dream is actually true. Looking at Ye Xing in front of him, Ye Chen felt a lot of emotion for a while.

Early bird gets the worm. This is really true at all!

"Yeah! It's eleven o'clock at noon, it's half past six now! It's almost time to leave." Looking at Ye Xing in front of him, Ye Chen's expression became a little anxious.

I still need to go to Nanning for the flight at eleven o'clock at noon!

"So anxious?" Ye Xing looked a little shocked when he saw Ye Chen in front of him. He looked at Ye Chen in front of him and pouted, "I haven't eaten breakfast yet! What's more, don't I have a helicopter? Wait a minute, it won't be enough to send you directly to Nanning. It won't take long at all."

The speed of his own helicopter was only a few hours after returning from the magic city. But now, it's just a trip to Nanning, it doesn't take long at all!

"Okay! In that case, I will be Ye Xing, you are full, and we will set off together." Looking at the messy long hair in front of him, looking at the snowy white in front of him, Ye Chen nodded and stretched out his hands.

"Yeah!" Ye Xing nodded when he heard it, looking at Ye Chen, his face turned ruddy.

"Tired?" Ye Chen asked when he saw it.

It can be said that Ye Xing is not clear at all how long Ye Xing is. After all, I just woke up and saw Ye Xing look like this.

However, when he saw the fragrant sweat on Ye Xing's forehead, Ye Chen knew that it should have lasted a long time. Otherwise, according to Ye Xing's ability, it could not be like this.

"It's not because of you, it should have been for more than two hours!" Ye Xing heard it, his face became a little helpless, and he pouted, looking at Ye Chen in front of him, and said something.

"I can't help it! I thought you were full last night!" Ye Chen looked a little helpless when he heard it.

Sometimes, people! Too powerful, but also a kind of helplessness!

"Huh!" Ye Xing saw it, pouting his mouth, and gave Ye Chen a grimly white look.

"Ye Xing, wait..." Ye Xing didn't care about what Ye Chen wanted to say.

Bang bang bang

"Brother, sister Ye Xing, are you up yet. If you don't get up again, you won't be able to catch up with today's plane." At this moment, a girl's voice came from outside, knocking on the door, and reminding her.

Today, my brother is going abroad. As the first person in the village to go abroad, or to the Empire where the sun never sets, Ye Ling didn't know how excited she was.

Although it is not her, but this is my brother! My brother can go abroad, and it won't be long before I can go abroad.

"Not yet, I'm getting ready." Ye Chen saw that his face was a little helpless, "We will get up at about seven o'clock, so sleepy. Let sister Ye Xing and I take a rest."

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