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Chapter 351: Eight sisters, are we biological? 【Fou

"Sister Eight, let me come!" And in the middle of a large mountain, there are two figures of a man and a woman at this time, looking at Ye Xing and Ye Chen who are wearing black short skirts and white clothes above their heads. With helpless expression on his face, he shook his head and said something.

It can be said that when I went home these few days, I just heard that Aunt Chao said that she had lychees in pieces at home, and Ye Chen came directly with a sack. And Ye Xing, of course, followed Ye Chen's back.

"No, I just want to try it. I didn't expect it to be so tired!" Ye Xing looked helpless when he heard sitting on a branch, and shook his head.

Holding a large bunch of lychees in his hand, from time to time he threw a few into the small mouth, a pair of long and slender legs swayed and swayed, which made Ye Chen shook his head helplessly.

This scenery is really dazzling! It's kind of helpless.

"Xiaochen, what is there to eat?" Ye Xing's face was puzzled when he saw the neat mountains next to him, with crops two to three meters high. He had never seen anything like this before. Something leaves!

"This! Eight... Ye Xing, don't you know this! This is grown in our rural area, cassava!" Seeing his eight sisters wondering, Ye Chen raised his head, the infinitely beautiful scenery seemed to be swollen. A lot, explained.

"Tapioca, what is it, I haven't heard of it yet, is it delicious?" Ye Xing heard it, his face was puzzled, "Is it fruited on the top or underground?"

It can be said that crops either produce results on the ground or underground. And this kind of thing is already more than two meters high, and it hasn't even seen the blossom, let alone the result.

"Xiaochen, it should be the result of the underground! It's about the same as sweet potatoes?"

"Yeah!" Ye Chen nodded when he saw it, "This is indeed the result of underground. In the past, some people still collected it in the countryside. The arm is big, and it usually has a length of fifty centimeters. After drying, it is about fifty cents a dollar. Hey! I heard that it is used to make biscuits. But now, almost no one buys it, and there is no human race. Usually it is used to feed pigs, milled into powder, and it is very nutritious. "

"So, it seems that I guessed right." Ye Xing nodded when he heard it, like a child, with a bright smile on his face. It seems that I don't know how happy it is.

"Eight sister, let me help you! Otherwise, it will be too long. It will be dusk when you finish picking it like this." Looking at his eight sister, Ye Chen looked helpless, shook his head, and said something.

"No. It's a matter of a few seconds." Ye Xing heard it, shook his head, and looked at Ye Chen, "Xiao Chen, open the sack, I'm here."


With a wave of his right hand, a sharp sword appeared in the void. The next moment, it turned into countless sword lights, and it looked terrifying.

Puff puff

In less than one minute, the sack in front of Ye Chen was completely filled, one by one, full of litchis, and they didn't seem to know how bright they were.

"Sister Eight!" Looking at the lychees in the sack in front of him, Ye Chen's expression was bitter, and he sighed softly, helpless.

"What's the matter? It's full!" The figure flashed away, and Ye Xing's figure had already come to Ye Chen's side, a faint fragrance came, followed by a pair of doubtful eyes. With oneself.

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