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Author pov

Now y/n was standing infront of bts and blackpink

Y/n: What would you like to have mam and sir.

She asked genuinely with a smile on her face.

Jisoo: I want a iced americano

Lisa: I want raspberry smoothie

Jennie: I want lemon iced tea

Rose: I want cappuccino

Rosé: Oppas what do u all want.

Bts: ...........*silence*

They were all lost in y/n's beauty that they did not hear what Rosé was speaking.

Then Jennie waved her hand infront of them 👋🏻 making them come out of their world .
They straight up their posture.

Tae: What happened

Jisoo: Where were u all lost we are asking u what do u want to have?

Rm: I want green tea

Jin: iced americano

Suga: orange juice

Hobi: mango smoothie

Jimin: iced coffee

Tae: strawberry shake

Jk: banana milk

Y/n: Ok sir ur order will be in few minutes.

Saying this she went to bring their orders.

Jisoo: I guess someone has fallen in love *teasing*

Bts: We did not fall in love

Jennie: We didn't say u all fell in love*teasing*

Rosé: But she(y/n) was really beautiful.

Rm: Yay she maybe beautiful but what if she is also gold digger or a slut like other girls.

Lisa: Oppa first try to understand not all girls r the same.

Now y/n came

Y/n: Sir and mam here is ur order hope u enjoy it *said while giving the orders*

After giving their drink y/n was going to the counter when the bell near the door ring indicating there are customers so y/n turned to see who it was as soon as y/n saw the customer a wide smile appeared on her lips which did not go unnoticed by bts & bp so they followed her gaze to see who was it.

They saw a small boy around 4 to 5 came running while shouting.

Little boy: Y/nnie aunty I missed u so much.

He hugged y/n's leg . Y/n bent to his level and carried him in her arms

Y/n: Oh really aunty also missed u so much .

said with a warm smile and kissed his cheek which made bts jealous and bp were smiling seeing them being jealous over kid.

Lisa: Oppas don't be jealous over a kid

Rm: No we are not jealous y would we be jealous.

Jennie: Don't lie jealousy is clearly visible in ur eyes and u r jealous because u fell in love with her

BpxJennie: Ohoh love at first sight *teasing bts*

Bts r blushing hearing this.

Bts: Yay STOB it *said while still smiling like idiots*

They heard cute giggles and saw in the direction only to see the kid and y/n laughing and taking.

One side bts r feeling jealous on the other side they r admiring her being friendly with a kid.

Lisa: I wish she could be my sister-in-law

Bts: Wish granted.

Bp: reallyyyyyyy.....that means u r in luv with her  *wiggling eyebrows *

Bts: yes yes we agree we r in love with her but for now complete ur drinks we have to go.

Bp: okay

After that they paid their bill and went to their mansion.

In mansion

Jin: guard by tomorrow I need every detail of y/n

Gaurd: Ok king
BTS: now she will become OURS!!!!! *smirking*
To be continued....

Hello cupcakes hope u like it and pls vote🥺🥺🥺

Luv u all❣️


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