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Author's pov

Suga was hacking Mark's phone

Suga: Y should we hack his phone phone we know where he lives we can just kill him right

Rm: What if he already knows that we came here to catch him he might plan something dangerous so for that only we r saying to hack his phone and also by this we can also know who r all involved with him

Suga: fine

Jungkook: hyung did u complete hacking his phone

Suga: No not yet it will take some time as he has secured his phone well

Jimin: Ok till u finish hacking I'll do ur favorite work

Suga: my favorite work???

Jimin: sleeping

Suga: Jin hyung can I borrow your pink slippers and frying pan for sometime I really want to beat the shit out of someone *dead glaring Jimin *

Jimin: oh I forgot I have some work to finish I'm going to my room bye * ran away with a nervous smile 😅*

After few hours

Suga: Guys I have hacked his phone and his all calls have been recorded maybe from that we can find something

Tae: Ok hyung play the call recordings

Suga played the call recordings one by one in each recordings he was speaking to some person in that Mark frequently spoke to one
person that is his friend who also exports the girls.

Now bts were listening to the recent call in which Mark spoke to his friend[m/f-mark friend]

______In recording______

M/f: hello Mark

Mark: hello dude

M/f: Did to find any victim there don't take too much time

Mark: yeah I found a victim but I'm not ready to sell her I'm going to make her mine I'm obsessed with her

M/f: Woah bro what happened to u . You always use girls for pleasure what is so special in her that made u obsessed with her

Mark: everything about her is making me go crazy her perfect body curves her beauty she is perfect

M/f: I also want to see the girl who made u go crazy

Mark: Sure I'll send u her pic for now I should go my darling is waiting for me

M/f: u already gave her a nickname what if she don't accept u

Mark: who gave her a choice she has only one option that is to be mine for rest of her life

M/f: Ok bye don't forget to send her pic

Mark: Hmm bye

_______Recording over _______

Hobi: Suga hyung can u find out the photo of the girl which Mark send to his frnd

Suga: yeah wait a minute the pic is loading

Bts froze as well as boiled in anger after seeing the girl in the photo

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Bts froze as well as boiled in anger after seeing the girl in the photo

Bts froze as well as boiled in anger after seeing the girl in the photo

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Bts: Y/N!!!!!

Jin: I'll kill that bastard for laying his eyes on our girl

Jk: I'm going give him a painful death for his bad deeds as well as for his dirty thoughts about our sweetheart

They were in the peak of anger when a guard came running

Gaurd: KINGS!!!!KINGS!!!

Bts: What happened why r u shouting? *cold*
Gaurd: MARK is DEAD!!!!!!

To be continued.....

Everyone pls don't forget to vote 😘😘🥺🥺
& follow and I sincerely apologise for not being able to upload on Thursday 😞😞😞


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