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Hello everyone I'm here with the next part after a long break I apologise for giving u all a late update and I might not be able to upload the upcoming parts frequently because I'll be a little busy with my studies I hope u understand.

Author pov

Now bts are checking the cctv footages of y/n's college to know where did she go

Bts appointed two guards to look after her they thought two guards are more than enough to look after her but they were wrong they underestimated her



Back to the story

Bts saw y/n going to her class through the cctv footage and the two guards were standing like pillars at the entrance of the class

When they saw the footage inside the class they saw y/n was going out through the back door at the same time a guard came in and saw they were trying to escape so he caught y/n's hand to stop her from escaping but y/n is not a naive girl she kicked him between his legs and the gaurd crouched down holding between his leg

Seeing this bts were impressed by y/n's bravery as well as they r trying hard not to laugh at that bodyguard situation

Then y/n tied his leg and hand and his mouth using her dupatta finally they reached the back gate of the school where Rohan was waiting with a car so that they can move out of this place as soon as possible

Bts saw them going somewhere to escape through the cctv footages which are in the way they thought that they can easily find y/n easily by the cctv footages but they were wrong at a certain period there were no cctv footages so they sent their guards to search were y/n is but the shocking news was

The path which y/n went led to forest which guides to four cities and it will take atleast a month to search in a city for y/n

Rm: Y/n is really brilliant she planned everything

Jin: Yes I agree

Jimin: We should send guards to search it's going to be very difficult for us

Suga: Wait why can't we track her number and find her

Tae: it's a good idea I guess

Jk: Suga hyung track her number

Suga: Yeah give me a minute I'll find
Found it!!!

Hobi: Where is she?

Suga: Huh it shows that she is in her college

Tae: Didn't she already escape from there

Rm: I'll tell the guards to check there

__________In the call____________

Rm: I'll share the location find whether y/n is there

Gaurd: Ok king

After awhile

Gaurd: Kings we only found mam's mobile and she is not here

Rm: Ok

____________Call ended____________

Rm: Y/n is not there only her mobile was found
To be continued......

✧˚·̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥·̩̩̥͙✧·̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥˚·̩̩̥͙✧ 💜𝒱𝒪𝒯ℰ💜 ✧˚·̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥·̩̩̥͙✧·̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥˚·̩̩̥͙✧



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