chapter forty eight

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˚ ₊ ♡ ❰ chapter 48 ❱ ⋆ ✰ ₊˚.༄
˚ ₊ ♡ ❰  𝚂𝚃𝙰𝚁𝙶𝙸𝚁𝙻  ❱ ˖⋆࿐໋ ⋆
⋆⋅ ━━━━ ‧ ༻✩༺ ‧ ━━━━ ⋅⋆
— in which miles meets the rest
of the group, and chaos was
bound to erupt.

if you're dry readers this chapter i'm making jude break up with elena and everyone will abandon her and she'll go depressed bc she's all alone and has no friends bc they all turned on her for a boy (wtf my mind waffled here... 👀👀)  

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ELENA WAS NERVOUS, TO say the least. she has told the group to stop by her house and meet miles; she knew how uncalled for her friends could be at times, as well as how much they liked making out of pocket jokes out of many situations and they tended to carry banter around with them like it was a key essential to live.

she didn't really know how miles would take it if someone unintentionally said something hurtful about him, and she could only hope they were on their best behaviour or else she was not afraid to have lewis hit them (though they would probably end up enjoying that anyways — especially trent, little freak.)

"what you thinking about?" jude wondered as he carefully wrapped his arms around elena's waist from behind, softly kissing the back of her head.

"they best like him," elena muttered, leaning back into his embrace and sighing in content.

"stop stressing," jude laughed, watching miles as him and rico were sat playing fifa together — the latter getting absolutely battered by the other. "if he's got rico's approval, then he has dani's, which means he's got trent's, and then he'll have chloe's, and then emily's — and if he has emily's approval, then he's got everyone's approval."  

elena laughed. "yeah, that's true."

"stop overthinking, because not only will you start stressing yourself out but you'll start stressing me out too," jude joked.

"okay, i won't," elena smiled, turning around in his arms to place a quick kiss on his lips. yet as soon as she did, the doorbell went off. instantly, she began panicking. "oh my god! it's them!"


"right, sorry!"

"I'LL GET THE DOOR!" rico screamed, sprinting past the couple as miles laughed whilst following behind him.

jude and elena shared a faint look, following after the two boys and smiling at the sight of all of their friends gathered in the hallway. everyone started greeting each other, yet the room soon fell silent, attention turning towards the teenager stood by himself at the side.  

miles noticed this, and frowned. "what? is there something on my face?"

"no miles, there's nothing on your face," elena sighed, jude chuckling softly.

"shut up, he's literally a spitting image of you," declan gaped, everyone agreeing with him.

miles whistled to himself and dozed off in his own world, disengaging out of their conversation. they watched as he twirled around in a circle, bumping into jobe who raised his eyebrows at him in utter amusement.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋! jude bellingham¹Where stories live. Discover now