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God is alive and so is HE

God is not my God. He is not the one who rules, not the one who watches me, and not the God of the living but of the dead. God is alive and so is my God. Unlike God who conquered death, my God never conquered death because he has been alive from the start. Unlike God who has no face, HE has form and shape, alive and never hidden for I've seen him smiling at me, commending my doings.

Dear diary,

I've again cut someone's tongue for running his mouth carelessly. He was testing my patience and loyalty to the man I worship. As a result, I gave him something he can offer to his own God. After his tongue, I chopped off his hand filled with five golden rings. He cried and cried, begging for mercy I would never listen. With closed eyes and ears to his frightened pleas, I screwed his neck until he could no longer make a sound.

When Light Fades At 23:11 (EPISTOLARY NOVEL) ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon