This precious bean♡

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Shigaraki pov:

I woke up and stretched my arms yawning. Then I saw the little baby on my bed. She was just sitting there not making one noise. Which was strange because when babies usually cry when they wake up. Then she smiled at me so brightly that I had to close my eyes,then she giggled at me. Making me playful then I picked her up and put her on my legs. Them I tickled her. Then she giggled and I said "That's for laughing at me you little bean." Then after a while I stopped and picked her up putting her on my hip. Then I walked to her room. Then I put her on the changing table. Then I took off her clothes and changed her diaper. The I changed her into this cute set:

 The I changed her into this cute set:

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I gave her,her bottle and burped her. Then I picked her up and walked to the kitchen. Then I put her on her play mat. And refilled the bottle. Then I threw some ramen in a bowl. I put on the kettle. Then I walked to my fridge and got some ham. And cut in thin slices. The kettle was done so I threw the water over the ramen. I put a lid on. Then I got some veggies ready for the ramen. Then I put all the sliced up ingredients and I took out some already cooked eggs and sliced it up too,then I put all the things I prepared for the ramen in the fridge and went over to my little bean and picked her up saying "I should probably give you a name right my little bean?" She giggled as I booped her nose. Then I said "I like the sound of Y/n. That will be your name. Now I should finish my food." I kissed her nose one last time and put her back down. Then I threw off a bit of the water and added the last ingredients.

 Then I threw off a bit of the water and added the last ingredients

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I sat at the table and started eating away. After finishing o washed the utensils I used and packed them away. Then I picked Y/n up and called Kurogiri to take us to the shops so I can get groceries. I got her carrier

And buckled her in,giving her,her teddy

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And buckled her in,giving her,her teddy.
He agreed to wrap gate us there. Not long after we were at the shops. Unlike Yesterday the shops had people today. As I entered I saw people staring st me and I said "Go on with your shopping people. Jeez don't you people know staring is rude?" They looked away minding their business and Y/n giggled. I looked at her and said "Was that funny to you sweet Y/ ?" She nodded and I was flabbergasted that she understood. Then I went to the food category and started getting food. Then I walked to the baby category and bought more clothes and necessities. Then I walked to the cashier and paid for the stuff. After buying everything I called Kurogiri and asked him to wrap gate us back. He did and declared that it's his turn with Y/n. I said no and ran away with her. We ended up in a field of flowers and I decided that the three of us should watch the sunset together. Kurogiri agreed and that is how our evening went by.

Time skip to when you are 7~
Your pov:

Shiggy was busy doing my hair but he accidentally activated his quirk and disintegrated the brush. I was wheezing and handed him another one. Then he tied my hair

I looked at it and squealed

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I looked at it and squealed. I said while hugging him "Thank you so much big brother! I love it!" He hugged back and said smiling "I'm glad you like it,I spend a lot of time learning how to braid." I giggled and said "Thank you so much big brother. You are the best."
He laughed and said "No you are the best little sister a man can ask for." I broke the hug and said "Don't lie,and don't argue you know you won't win this fight." He pouted before sighing and saying "Fine you win. Buy you have school let's go." I nodded and got my bag. Then I took his hand and we started walking to school.

After school~
I'm glad I told Shiggy that we go out am hour later then we actually do. I was being pinned by the one and only Suzuki again. I looked to my feet and waited for the torment to begin.

But something happened,she has not laid a finger on me yet I look up to see Shiggy holding her by her neck in the air. Then I screamed "Shiggy! Leave her! You can't kill her! Her quirk is invincibility! I told you school ends at 3:00 why are you here!?" Then he looked at me and said " I am here because I found blades in your room and decided to come check on you. Why are you cutting?" I looked down tears spilling from my eyes and said "Because I hate myself! Look at me I'm so ugly! I'm a nerd! I literally have no friends! How could I like myself!?" I saw Suzuki looking at me with sadness and guilt in her eyes and she was crying. Shiggy let her go and hugged me. Then she fell to her knees and cried. She looked at me and said "I'm sorry I did not want you to do that to yourself. I like like you,so I thought bullying will make me lose feelings. Then I started to bully you just to see you." I was shocked but went over to her hugging her. I pulled away to see he blushing. Then I said "I forgive you,can we be friends?" She smiled still blushing and said "Yes we can! See you tomorrow!" "See you tomorrow!" I took shiggy's hand and we went home.

I jumped on my bed squealing. She likes me! Why? I'm such an ugly nerd! I should change myself! I should become one of those badass girls!

I walked to my closet and got out an outfit. Then I went to bed. I twist and turned as I struggled to sleep. I stood up and I took out my blade and slices on my thighs,watching as the crimson liquid dropped down my thighs. I felt better and wrapped my thighs with the bandages. Then I climbed back into my bed and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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