Chapter 1 "Blackgate Prison"

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Batman: looks like Black Mask entered the prison here. I need to find Commissioner Loeb - before it's to late.

Warden Joseph: He said he'd leave my family alone if I did what he asked...

Mobster: I hope he keeps his word. The thing is, you ain't gonna live to find out. Sorry Warden. Black Mask can't leave no loose ends lyin' around.

Warden Joseph: What are you waiting for? If you're gonna do it get it over with. No! Please!

Mobster: Oh I'll kill ya all right. But by the time I do that eye won't be the only thing you're missing '.

Warden Joseph: What is that!? Behind you?

Mobster: Oh, camaaan. 'spect me to fall for that? I mean, try something original, you - (he turns around and sees batman) And who do you think you are?

[Batman knocks out a mobster with one blow]

Warden Joseph: No! Stay away! Don't hurt me! I'd heard the rumors but... You... You're not supposed to be real.

Batman: Who tore this place apart?

Warden Joseph: I don't know what it is - it's huge.

Batman: where is black mask?

Warden Joseph: I - I don't know. He's here for commissioner Loeb. Maybe one of his men knows where he's headed.

[ Batman leaves and after a few moments sees several scumbags, freely walking around the prison.]

Batman: these are black mask men. I'll make them tell me where I can find Black Mask.

Criminal: What is that thing!?

Criminal: it's - it's the bat!

Criminal: I heard he was a myth!

Criminal: he's come for us !

[ He beat them up and started interrogating.]

Mobster: Just don't - don't hurt me. Please!

Batman: where is black mask?

Mobster: How the hell should I know?

Batman: I'm going to make you talk. How much pain you endure before that is in your hands.

Mobster: Screw you.

Batman: I don't have time for this.

Mobster:  Ok. Ok. He's heading to the execution chamber - with Loeb.

Batman: Smart move. Now you get to take a nap.

[ He sees something flying in the corridor.]

Batman: A drone. That doesn't belong here. Wonder who's controlling it?

[ He encounters a bunch of criminals]

Criminal: We're outta here!

Criminal: Move - before the guards find out.

Criminal: Crap.

Criminal: Oh no - it's him...

Criminal: I ain't fighting him!

Batman: The only way to advance is to grapple up and over this gate. I should hurry.

Prison Guard: Please - I... I can't take anymore.

Mobster: if you take black mask money, you do what he says. You give him lip instead, this is what happens.

Batman: what is that?

Prison guard: But... he's... He's gone crazy

Mobster: Talk like that's what got you in this mess in the first place.

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