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"Good morning students of SM High, it's another brand new day. We're in the second week of March already, time flies really quickly huh? I hope our batch of freshman students have settled into our school and gotten used to your school life. I know it isn't easy and it can be scary... Trust me, I've been there. Hang in there, things will definitely get better."

It has been a week since Winter Kim met Karina Yu. She received the note from her on Monday, another note from her on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Now, Winter had collected five pieces of post-it notes from the school's princess. On every note without fail, Karina made an effort to draw her signature flower whenever she signed off.

She wondered why Karina would painstakingly go out of her way to record down each lesson materials, homework, and upcoming quizzes that their teachers have covered onto the slip of paper for Winter. They've never had an actual conversation nor spent any time together. As much as it puzzled her, she was just as touched by her sweet gesture.

On this sunny Monday morning, Winter strolled onto campus as she had arrived slightly later than usual. Karina's angelic voice was playing through the speakers as it was another Monday. She figured that the broadcast club rotates their members each day.

She fished into her pocket and retrieved the five squares of folded paper from Karina. They looked so colorful in her palms, staring up at Winter. She makes a mental note to find someplace to store these notes instead of placing them in her pocket all the time.

"After school activities have officially resumed, please remember to attend them and of course, prepare for the tryout festival next week. All club leaders are reminded that there is a briefing at four p.m. in the lecture hall today regarding the festival."

Winter released a small sigh, shoving the papers back into her pocket. The briefing had completely slipped her mind. As captain of the soccer club, she had to be present. With her grades hanging by a thread, the least she could do was to attend every session and important events like these.

"Lastly, the examination schedule has been put up on the noticeboard too. Do stop by to check it out when you have time. That's all for the school updates... Ah yes..."

Meanwhile in the studio, Karina pauses, folding the script of paper in her hands into half and another half, until it was impossible to fold it.

"I'd like to recommend you a song that I've been listening to recently since spring came. You should try checking out 'Sunflower' by Soojin and if you enjoyed that song, do check out her other songs. Whenever I listen to her music, it's like a mood booster, it's like hugging spring. You'll see what I mean when you give it a listen."

Winter arrives at class, entering from the backdoor. Her classmates were scattered around, busy chatting away with friends, some had their head down buried in homework, others eating their breakfast.

She plops down onto her assigned seat, hugging her bag against her chest. What song was it that Karina recommended?

She slipped her phone out from her pocket along with her earpiece, connecting the wire to her phone. Then, she searched for the title on her music app, scrolling till she found the artist. What would Karina's music taste be like? She was about to find out, but she decided to wait till the morning broadcast finished.

"Well, that's all I have for you this morning. Remember to go outside and smell the flowers~ Thank you for listening, have a good rest of the week ahead! This has been Karina Yu."

The broadcast stops. She slips the earpiece into her ears and presses play.

Much to her surprise, the song was actually really good. She found herself bopping her head along to the melody. The singer's voice so smooth and even romantic. It was the kind of song one would listen to in the morning, a song that makes you feel like flying, a warm feeling that consumes you in the best ways possible. When the song comes to an end, she removes her earpiece and adds that song to a new playlist.

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