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Winter thinks implementing classroom duty during lunch break is absolutely ridiculous. What was the point of making the room clean only for it to return to the same state or worse by the end of the day?

She sighs softly, watching as her classmates flock out of the room excitedly and flooding the hallways. Clearly, her cheese bread wasn't nearly enough to fill up her stomach which was already grumbling.

"Less staring and more cleaning, Winter-yah."

Karina moves out of her seat, looking around the classroom for the dustpan and broomstick.

"Why are you helping me?" Winter asks curiously as she stands up, running her fingers through her hair.

"Would you rather it be someone else?" Karina jokes as she spins around, eyeing her from across the room.

"I- I don't mean it that way," Winter clarifies quickly as she springs up from her seat.

In the midst of it all, her clumsiness got the better of her as her left knee knocked against the desk clumsily. She glances down at the point of contact, noticing the red bruise forming.

Realization had dawned on her: Karina probably saw everything.

"I'm okay!" she exclaims, leaning back against the desk casually as if she did not just make a clown of herself in front of the Karina Yu.

"I didn't ask."

Blood rushes up to her cheeks.

"Oh, right... Ugh anyway, I was just trying to say that I like having you as my cleaning buddy! And I wouldn't have it any other way. My desk mate is horrible, I don't know what I'd do if he was here right now instead of you. Not that I want him here," Winter begins her long ramble of nonsense, trying to divert the topic and pretend as if nothing had happened.

Karina chuckles lightly, walking across the classroom towards the raven. "Win."

"Yeah?" Winter swallows a lump of saliva as Karina stands before her, looking up at her with pretty dark eyes.

She doesn't respond immediately, her gaze steady and alluring. It makes Winter's heart race uncontrollably at her effortless beauty.

Karina closes the distance between them ever so slightly until her hands rest on either side of the desk, trapping Winter completely with no way to escape. Her lips curl into a smile, a flicker of mischief and curiosity.

Since the time they've spent together, Winter has never seen this side of Karina before. It's both exciting and nerve wracking.

"Karina, what are you–"

She places her index finger onto Winter's lips, shushing her up effectively.

Winter doesn't know what to focus on. The sensation of her skin pressing against her own lips gently, the proximity between their bodies or how insanely attractive Karina is.

"Shhh, you talk a lot," Karina whispers, tilting her head.

"Sorry, I tend to–"

"See what I mean?" Karina pushes her finger against her lips slightly.

Winter thinks she might combust if Karina kept this up, whatever this was anyway.

So she settles on keeping quiet, chewing on the insides of her cheeks to hold herself back.

"I like teasing you and making you flustered. It's cute," the taller girl breathes out, slowly pulling her finger away.

Her hand trails down to the locks of black hair cascading Winter's shoulders, twirling and playing with them. "You look pretty in black hair."

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