A Happy Ending

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You wake to the sunlight streaming through the curtains and something warm wrapped around your waist.

You furrow your brows at the harsh light as your eyes flutter open.

You can't help but smile at the sight that greets you as the haze of sleep clears from your vision.


Gods... you never thought you'd be lucky enough to see him like this.

He lays next to you, hair curled and disheveled from sleeping, his lips turned up ever so slightly at the corners. You watch the steady rise and fall of his chest for a moment. He looks so peaceful, so content with his arms wrapped around you and his legs tangled with yours. You gaze at him softly until you can't take it anymore, your heart threatening to burst with affection if you don't.

You can't help but lean forward to press a kiss between his brows.

He stirs slightly, letting out a quiet noise as he tightens his arms around you slightly. You chuckle softly.

His eyes flutter open and a soft smile appears on his face. "Mmm... mornin' love." His voice is still slightly horse from sleep

You respond with peppering kisses to his forehead, then his cheeks, his temples, and jaw. Steven squirms under your attention, face scrunching as he bites back a laugh. "What's this for?"

"Nothing." You grin between pressing kisses all over his face, making him giggle. "I just happen to like you is all." You continue the kisses until he stops you, locking your lips with his.

You happily oblige, melting into the kiss. You hear a cough behind you and turn to see Layla standing in the doorway.

"Are you two almost finished? I have tea and coffee getting cold cause of you two." She grins, raising a brow in amusement. Her hair is worse than Steven's, curly strands sticking up everywhere. The sight made your heart flutter. You're sure some of her tousled coils found a way to defy gravity.

You smile, giving Steve a final kiss before sliding out of bed to greet her, wrapping your arms around her neck. "You're the best you know."

She hums in agreement, leaning closer. "I do."

Your grin widens, meeting her halfway in a kiss. "Course you do."

"Hey! Don't I get a turn too?" You feel a pair of arms around your waist. You look back to see Marc raising a brow at the two of you, a small smirk on his face.

"I suppose it's only fair." Layla pulls away to kiss her husband, an action you are quick to copy. You kiss him softly, a smile on your lips. Marc hums in contentment as he pulls back, the three of you heading into the kitchen for coffee and tea.

You adore your partners, all four of them now. You were still getting used to their third alter, he doesn't front as much but you love him all the same. Even if he insists on wearing those dorky hats and calling you the stupidest names. You'd never forgive him for calling you his ' pequeño chacal ' when he first saw you suit up while he was fronting. You weren't that short compared to him. But you were better off than Layla, whom Jake quickly decided to dub the affectionate nickname of ' bicha '. He got slapped for that. Though the two of you had to put up with it. With Jake being the only one of the alters bearing the mantle of Moon Knight he was the only one to go out with the two of you to do your patron's bidding.

One amusing thing that resulted from defeating Ammit was watching your patrons adjust to sharing you.

In reality, it was a one-sided problem. Only Khonshu had the issue of not wanting to share.

Anubis didn't mind. He was away for the most part, taking care of the position that had been taken from him while imprisoned. He was also recovering from being trapped for such a long time, his strength slowly returning to better aid you. This was preferred by Khonshu who wouldn't hesitate to make his disdain of the other god clear to you. He surprisingly never blamed you for becoming Anubis' Avatar, only ever momentarily setting aside his pride to admit he was glad that the other god had kept you safe. However, the lunar god would insist that you spend time with him to make up for it instead. You were his priest after all.

You've lost count of how many times one of your partners has come home to see you lounging with the massive bird on the couch. His bandaged fingers ran through your hair as he regaled to you old tales of times long passed. It was a slightly awkward situation to be caught in but you found you didn't mind. Khonshu would also take you to the roof of the building after the sun had set and the stars began to appear in the sky. This would serve as the backdrop to a whole new set of stories, ones much more mystical. You felt a sense of peace in these times adoring the tales he would tell you in the quiet of the night. More than once you would find yourself dosing off with the feeling of his fingers in your hair only to wake the next morning in your bed, nestled between your partners.

When Anubis was with you things were a different story. The bird became clingy and overbearing, often trying to urge Anubis into a squabble with his sharp words. Anubis however, seemed to have the patience of a saint, that or he found Khonshu's irritation amusing. He would make sure to show you attention in his way, spending time with you to help you hone your gift, and show you exactly what you were capable of. Herbs and medicine became something you began to find an interest in, he took you off guard as he revealed just how advanced ancient Egyptians were with the craft. You suspected that half of his attentions to you were a deliberate attempt to piss off the moon god, catching a smirk on the god's face as Khonshu brooded in the corner, looking on. It certainly kept things interesting.

All and all, you were happy.

You couldn't help but smile as you watched your partners chat at the kitchen table, a warmth filling your heart at the sight.

Everything felt... perfect.


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