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"No drinking for Ji' what the hell did you even give him last time?" Minho frowns remembering that Jisung was a whole new person under the influence.

"Nah..Nah..nah- let's hear from the man himself. Jisung? Wanna have a go?" Jeongin pushed a rectangular bottle of whiskey his way.

Jisung is wide eyed. Like a fish out of water really. The soft music in the background is phasing out. He's picturing the last time he drank. He's remembering everything he and Minho have done.

The touching. The way he-

Not the time. Nor the place. Not ever really, Jisung reminds himself.

"Oh my god.... It's just a drink....why the ott tension?" Julie slurred. She definitely had been enjoying that drink.

She's slouching on the sofa. Jeongin is still smirking like a creep. Minho is avoiding eye contact, he's sat across from Jisung, immersed on his phone.

He's fighting the urge to make it blatantly clear why Jisung shouldn't get drunk, without sounding like a possessive creep.
Other's get emotional when drunk. Other's fall into fun and loud abandon. Other's get completely out of control and lose the plot.

Jisung gets horny once the alcohol kicks in. One drink, and he's shaking his hips. Two drinks, and he's dancing up on strangers. Three drinks and he's whining about wanting to be touched.

Minho is sane. And his sanity doesn't want anyone seeing that side of Jisung. Seeing him looking so vulnerable and needy. Needy for for dic-

"I can drink, s'fine" Jisung mumbled. And Minho shot his eyes up to the meet the younger's glossy gaze.

Their are exchanging an entire conservation.

Don't do it-Minho

You're not the boss of me~Jisung

I'm not afraid to punish you later-Minho

I'm still drinking - Jisung

"Ya! Hannie....here, come get it!" It's something in the way Jeongin's voice becomes chauvinistically smooth, or how his eyes look cunning, or how he smirks like a villain in a cartoon.

To which Jisung gets up off of the sofa where Julie had been secretly or not so secretly scooting closer to him. He's infront of Jeongin no sooner, and Jeongin hands him the bottle that everybody had sipped from.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" Felix is a instigator. He's chanting and cheering hands in air like he's at a football game.

"Yeah.... this low-key looks like peer- pressure" Julie chuckled, not that she cared to stop it.

Yunjin is only watching. Amused enough to smirk, but enough to say anything.

With his back towards Minho, who's fuming silently, Jisung takes his first chug. Burning liquor hits his throat at full speed.

Karma is quicker. Jisung is coughing like crazy.

And the coughing was enough to set off the fuming man watching him.

After quick strides, Minho was suddenly clutching at Jisung gently and rubbing his back soothingly. Minho sat directly next to him on a beanie bag.

"Enough of that...can y'all stop....we came here to discuss important-"

"You sound like a dad right now Minho. "

"Papa" Julie snorted.

"Dada" Felix pouted teasing the man.

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