Chapter 21

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*authors note: before we begin, i’ve just checked and i want to stay true to harry’s actual tour, so rn they’re in CARDIFF, WALES, not ireland, and he’s got the wales show “tonight” and “tomorrow night”, then off to the european leg!! sorry about the confusion, but they’re in CARDIFF NOW OKAY THEY’RE IN A HOTEL IN CARDIFF kay on with the story*

*recap* basically harry and liv got to CARDIFF, WALES, the boys surprised her, they got nandos for supper, liam tweeted the randomest thing ever and the fans tried to figure it out, liv got hate from tt (eww we hate tt), tt said she had more things about liv, we’ll see about that, she went to sleep crying, woke up the next day and sang with the boys but cried and told them about it, the boys comforted her, harry went off to a signing *end recap*

“All right, I’m off to the signing. Liv, anything in Cardiff that you want to see?” Harry’s almost out the door so I tell him I’ll think about it and let him know. When he leaves I go back to my room, telling the boys I’m going to call my bestie and leave them in the living room.

“Girlll hiiii!” I wave enthusiastically at my phone.

“Liv!! It’s been literally so long since we talked! What is WRONG with you?!” My bestie Melissa is on the other side of my phone. She’s been my best friend since we met on the 1d fandom website. We just immediately clicked! We’ve been through a lot together though. I became a directioner before she did, but she fell harder. She’s very invested in the boys’ lives, and that’s exactly why she doesn’t know I’ve met them or I’m with them. In case it’s what you’re thinking, she’s not the same one from graduation, that’s my school bestie. Melissa is my life bestie.

“I’m sorry!! There’s nothing wrong with me, I’ve just been busy!”

“So… tell me about London!! I wish I could’ve gone with you,” she sighs.

“I know, it’s always been your dream, but hey! You’re in some random island right? Getting that tan, girl!!” We laugh and then she shows me her tan lines.

“Mel! You’ve been there, what, three days? How are they so dark already? I bet you spend your days on the beach listening to the boys. Do you?” I ask her knowingly.

“Um, actually yes… I’ve been doing that these days actually!”

“Hah! I knew it!” We fall into awkward silence and then she asks me again about London.

“Oh yeah! Well, I’ve been to Madame Tussaud’s, I saw the boys’ wax figures and Harry’s new ones! They looked SUPER realistic! I also went a couple times to the famous M&M store, the London Eye, this cute little store for souvenirs… I had a chippie with my cousin! That was an interesting experience as well…” I think of anything else I’ve done but she asks me a question.

“Right, and have you met anyone?” Aaaalways looking for the drama, this girl!

“Um… no?” I say, and immediately feel my face go red.

“HAH! Your face went SO red!! Who?? Tell me everything Liv or so help me!” I cover my face in embarrassment, laughing.

“Okay okay fine! It was at Madame Tussaud’s, I was looking at Harry’s figure and he came up with a girl. I thought they were boyfriend girlfriend but then we got to talking and they’re siblings! So we went to a cafe for a bit and talked some more, with his sister mind you, then when we went for a chippie with my cousin they were just leaving. But I’m probably never going to see him again!” I leave out the part about them living just 30 minutes away from me, she would just want to find their house and insist I go visit.

“Uh-huh. And what else?” She knows everything!

“Nothing! There’s nothing else!” I don’t know if she’s talking about the boys or Steve and Di. “Oh yeah, well, they’re both directioners obviously, and her name is Diana, his sister’s I mean.”

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