Chapter 11

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Basically Olivia is allowed to see the boys and she's gone to text them! We pick up there

*end of recap*

Let's see, how do I phrase this?

"I'm coming over."

Bam. Sent. And now it's time to walk my dog and tell the boys to come with me. Luckily we live in the forest and nobody will see them. At least I hope not!

I run down and feed Felicity while I also start up some music on my headphones in case the boys don't come down. She wolfs it all down and I put on her leash.

Once we get down the trillion stairs my house has, I ring the outdoor doorbell and one of the boys answers.

"We have to talk, all y'all come walk Felicity with me, we'll be out for like 15 or 20 minutes."

Whoever it was on the other side disconnects the line and I see five heads pop out of the balcony. I wave and gesture for them to come downstairs. Come on, I mouth up at them. They disappear and I see them running down the stairs.

Felicity really needs to go so I start walking up the hill, hoping the boys see me and catch up. I start up my music because their music is an absolute masterpiece, and since it's on shuffle I start off with Heart Attack.

I run up the hill with Felicity by my side, running up far enough that when the boys catch up we won't be seen or heard. In truth it's a winding path that goes through several forests, and to get there you go up a hill, which is what I always refer to.

I reach the blackberry bushes and check for flowers or berries. Well it's only the beginning of June, there isn't anything yet except, ow! The thorns. I turn back to Felicity, who's straining against her short leash. I really don't trust her to stay with me, but if she doesn't then I've got a bigger excuse for staying with the guys a while longer.

I unclip her leash and she dashes off to find a rabbit or some other poor animal. When Heart Attack ends, with the last ow!, there's a tap on my shoulder and I jump. The boys are behind me, with their hands on their knees.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask, removing my headphones. They don't answer because they're too busy panting. "Did you run up the hill?"

They nod in response and Liam and Harry tumble to the ground. Niall quickly joins them, as does Louis. Zayn stays standing, on closer look he's not panting as much as the other four are.

"Oh come on guys, it's not that big of a deal! Look at Zayn, obviously he's in pretty good shape!" I laugh and they all glare at me. Zayn gives me a high five, which I accept jumping a little.

Eventually we give up on waiting for them to get up and start trying to get them up ourselves. Zayn successfully gets Niall and Louis up, while I reach out my hand to Liam, who instead of getting up, pulls me down with him, making sure my head doesn't hit the ground. The rest of me does though.

"Pretty sure I'll have a couple bruises tomorrow," I say, rubbing my elbow and leg.

"Sorry," Liam says sheepishly. I smirk at him.

"Oh don't worry, I'll get back at you trust me."

"Aright lads enough chatting," Zayn says impatiently. I put my hand up for help and he actually helps me up instead of pushing me down, like Niall tries to do.

"Really? You too want revenge? Don't worry you'll get it," I say shaking my finger at him as he laughs.

Finally we're all upright and we start walking up the rest of the hill. I make sure my mp3 and headphones are safe, you can never tell with Liam's push, and put them back in my pocket.

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