Naga! Vincent x Magical! Reader

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Alright..the reader won't be shy anymore!

------------- your pov

Me and g/b/f got home fast. Well...teleported home..but when we got there my mother was no where to be seen.(AIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE I forgot what happened in the last chapter!! If I said you are an orphan scratch that!) nor my father. They would usually be in the living room. I looked there and they WERENT there! (Sorry if I'm forgetting the '. I just don't have time to fix it) I looked everywhere in our giant (erm...forgot if it was huge or not xD) House.  I started crying. My parents were EVERYTHING to me. They were always there for me. G/b/f calmed me down a bit. "Maybe they went to get something!" She said. "Or maybe..they're dead~" we turned around and guess what. Yep. Vincent the bitch was there. I growled and pounced at him slashing at him with my knife that appeared out of no where. He started laughing maniacally and clawed my arm. I hissed in pain and he laughed harder. 'That son of a bitch..' I thought. I sliced his cheek and he hissed. "Who's laughing now!!?" I bit his arm and jumped back. He jumped on me and..turned human? Who knew he could do THAT?! "Shame~ I'm going to have to eat you now~" he bit my arm. I screamed and tried pushing him off. I guess he still had his sharp teeth..but no poison. He drew blood from my arm and licked it up. Ew. Fuck him. I kicked him off. "Heh..someone has been eating their fruits and vegetables~ your blood is sweet~" I hissed at him and stabbed his arm with my knife. He screeched and turned back into a naga. This time,he only stared at his arm. He licked up the blood that was oozing out. He pounced at me and trapped me in his tail. I whimpered. G/b/f was eating the whole time. She then jumped on Vincent and stabbed his back. He hissed in pain. He only tightened his grip on me. I squeaked. He grabbed g/b/f and threw her across the room. I was sobbing now. He licked up my tears, "'s going to be fine~ I'll just eat you and then it's done~ I'll make it fast~!" "Please...d-don't eat me! I-I'll do a-anything!" I choked out. "Anything~?" He asked. "Y-yes! A-anything!" I nod rapidly. He chuckles. "I'll keep you with me for 2 years~ if you try to escape,I'll eat you~ if you go somewhere without my permission I'll eat you~ and if you try to call for help,I'll eat you~!! You do whatever I want you to even if it's hard or easy. And you do it no matter what! I don't care if you don't like doing it!" He laughs. "Oh and no swearing at me~" I nod. He unwrappes his tail from me and g/b/f was gaping her mouth at me. "B-but...I WONT BE ABLE TO SEE YOU!!" She sobbed."you could come visit whenever you like." He shrugged. "COME ON Y/N TELEPORT US THERE!" I jumped and nodded. I waved at g/b/f and teleported us back in the forest. He took me to a cave and said "this is where I live,ok? you're living here now~" I nod. He chuckled. "I'll go hunting,do you want anything for me to bring~?" I shake my head. He kisses my cheek and leaves. I wipe my cheek in disgust. This is going to be a REALLY long 2 years...


THATS IT!! :P it good?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2015 ⏰

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