Chapter One

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Tobias POV

I stand on the balcony of my apartment and look over the city lights. They really fixed up the place since I've arrived 5 years ago. It looks more like those cities before the purity war. Three years after I arrived I decided to study life before the war. It startled me at first. How free everyone was. But the thought of living in a place where people weren't segregated by their strongest character trait but to be well-rounded sounded beautiful to me. Its like they encouraged people to be divergent. The concept seems so insane to me. I often fantasize about how me and Tris would live in a society like that.


Tris's cold, dead body lying on that metal table haunts my thoughts for eternity. They say you start to forget what your loved ones looked like after they've been gone for a while but not with me. Her striking grey eyes have left a permanent image in my mind. Her appearance may not have been been gorgeous by typical standards but to me she was extraordinary. Most wouldn't look at her twice because of her small weak figure, and plain face. But I would give anything for another glance.

I've stopped having nightmares about her. And I've stopped my 2 am mental breakdowns that end in beer bottles broken on my kitchen floor. Of course I still mourn for her. I don't see how I could move on from this. She gave me a strange surge of power when we touched. She ignited my spark. But her flame was put out. I suppose a fire that burns bright is not meant to last. I still love her. I could never stop loving her. But the least I could do is stop beating myself up because of her death

After my mother moved out i felt more at peace. I love her but since she was absent in the most important years of my life she really doesn't know much about me. So when I had depressing thoughts about Tris and wanted to be alone, she'd always try to get me to talk about. She almost got me a therapist. But i deal with my emotions alone. The more she'd get on my case about it, the more depressed i felt. I still visit her. She got an apartment closer to her work. And I still work as a politician. The police force tried to recruit me in the beginning but a gun ended Tris's life and I don't want anything to do with one.

But I'm definitely better. Christina and I have gotten closer. My own misery made me forget how much she actually lost too. To her, loosing Will was like loosing Tris to me. And on top of that she lost her best friend. When Tris died I thought I was the only one affected by her death.

Zeke is still my best friend though. When Uriah miraculously woke up from his coma all the awkward tension between us disappeared. And after three years we brought Shauna over. And because of the high tech medical advances they have here they figured out a way to help her walk again. Shes still a little wobbly but knowing Shauna she'd master it quickly.

Peter started getting frustrated after not being able to remember anything so he decided to go his own way. We have no idea where he went or if he's coming back.

Caleb definitely closed himself off more since Tris's death. Even more than I did. I still haven't forgiven him. As much as Tris would want me to I don't think I can. She sacrificed her life for his worthless one and I don't think I can forgive him.

Its almost midnight and I have a meeting tomorrow morning so i exit the balcony and get ready for bed. I shut my eyes waiting for sleep to over take me as thoughts of her linger in the back of my mind.


So that was chapter one! I really enjoy writing this story and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do!

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