2. His kitchen

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"ALICE, WAKE UP" I groan as I open my eyes "ALICE, BREAKFAST" a familiar voice yells and I yell back groggily "Coming" I reluctantly pull the covers off myself and put my slippers on. It's ridiculously cold in my room but I know it's warmer in the kitchen so I don't put my jumper on. The room I was given used to belong to Lucy and before it belonged to Lucy it belonged to Lockwood. The rest for i comes out of my pay so it's easier than getting an apartment I yawn as I open the door and walk down the stairs towards the kitchen. The door swings open to the kitchen as I walk towards it "Oh, I was just about to come wake you up" Lucy says with a smile. "don't worry, all the yelling was enough" I laugh "That was George, he gets impatient".

when we walk into the kitchen I immediately feel embarrassed because I was the only person in the kitchen wearing my pyjamas . While Lucy is in her shirt, shorts with leggings Lockwood is in his suit and George is in his flannel , shirt and trousers. I am wearing a white vest with hearts, matching shorts and Teddy bear slippers.
George turned to me with a plate when I noticed what he was wearing , I giggled slightly at the sight, he was wearing an apron with 'kiss the cook' on it. Lockwood put down his newspaper and looked to see what I was laughing at " I knew it was a good idea buying him that apron " He chuckled and looked at the two of us " do you want pancakes or not ?" George says holding out the plate with a glare and a smile threatening his lips. " thank you Mr Karim " I say and take the plate bowing slightly and sitting down. George eventually comes and sits next to me with his own plate of pancakes. " so... do you bake cakes " I ask George " no, just cook the food because these two are incapable of using the kitchen " He says. "hey, I can make toast" Lockwood says with a glare at George. "you can burn toast" he says while stuffing a pancake in his face. I laugh and George glares at me slightly
What is his issue with me , it might have been because I punched him but I have no clue what else. I take a bite full of my pancake " oh my god these are delicious " I Whisper Lockwood and Lucy look at us and smirk slightly they Whisper to eachother , I look over at George to see his view on the matter but he is too busy doodling on the thinking cloth , I look at it, it's two stick figures arguing with eachother. The silence was deafening but I really wanted to finish my pancakes , so I did and... then I broke the silence .
" well I best get dressed , where should I put my plate " I look at George again because I mostly assume that it was 'his kitchen'
He looked shocked " oh-um "
"Nobody ever asked that before or am I a ghost? "
"No-i just in the sink"

I put my plate in the sink and walk towards my room.

I pick out some clothes from my wardrobe, I know we don't have a case today so I pick something comfy and practical just in case we get an emergency one. I'm wearing my jogging bottoms with a fleetwood mac shirt. I walk back downstairs and into the kitchen and look in the cupboards and draws and see all the ingredients and materials I would need to make a cake , so I searched around for George . I found him in the livingroom

" hi , George I was just wondering if I could bake a cake in 'your kitchen'"
"No" He said while reading his comic
"Because I don't want you ruining my kitchen"
"Fine, bye curly"
"Bye Silver"

I make my way to the library where Lockwood and Lucy are sitting next to each other. Lockwood is reading a magazine and Lucy is reading a hardcover book. I'm looking at the shelves when Lucy notices me, "looking for anything specific?" I turn around "no, just looking". Lucy shrugs and asks "why don't you bake something ? I could really do with a cupcake right now" I look back at the books "George said no, I wouldn't want to invade his space you know?" Lucy nods and goes back to her book. I find a book i'm very familiar with 'Romeo & Juliet' it's one of my favorites. I pull it off the shelf and walk back to my room.

Shakespeare has been one of my favorite writers since I was a child. I used to dream of being an actor but my family said that being an agent would be more respectable and fulfilling. One summer , when I was young, I auditioned for the local play of romeo & Juliet. I auditioned my ass off and got the role of Juliet, I had that part until my father complained to the theater and had Juliet recast as another girl in my year at school. needless to say I was pissed, I stayed in my room all weekend and then devoted my life to being an agent. That's when it went downhill.

I put down the book and take my headphones off. I walk to the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. when I open the door I see George unpacking shopping bags with the radio playing lovefool by the cardigans . I smile as I enter and turn the kettle on , "do you want some help unpacking?" I ask him, he shakes his head. I take a cup out of the cupboard and root around for some coffee. "do you have any coffee in those bags at all?" I turn to him, he pulls out a glass jar full of instant coffee grounds "thanks". 

George coughs abruptly. "I bought you some cupcakes" he says and pulls out a packet of Tesco's finest cupcakes. "wow thank you" he hands me the box and I take out a cupcake "want one?" he nods and I hand him a cupcake. I pull another mug out of the cupboard and make a tea for George. I sit down at the table with my coffee and my cupcake and put down George's tea. we both sit there,eating our cupcakes and drinking with silence hanging in the air. Finally I stand up and George watches me intently. "I'm going to ask if Lockwood and Lucy want one" I smile at him but he just stares and nods. 

~Lockwood's pov~

"Luce" I say sitting next to her on the bed " yeah , I'm here , obviously "
" so George and Alice "
" oh my god , yes "
" did you see the way he looked at her when she asked him about the plate "
"So cute!" She squeals " we could lock them in the kitchen or make them go and study cases together or we coul-"
"Calm down luce , why don't we let it develop slowly "
She falls back onto the bed with a sigh " but that's no fun ,George is so... lonely "
I chuckle and lay next to her " yes he is but it's their relationship let it flutter" by now we are both looking at eachother and are leaning in , about to kiss
" do you want - IM SO SORRY , OH MY GOSH SORRY, SORRY !!" we look at the door and see Alice bolting it out the door and shutting it with a slam , we laugh for a moment before luce stands up and walks to the door to check on her . she stops abruptly putting her ear up to the door and ushering me over to listen too

~Alice's pov~

I was trying to find Lucy and Lockwood but I found them in their room ... Kissing. I run out as fast as i can, almost dropping the case of cupcakes on they way. While running back to the kitchen I run smack bang into George. "you good?" he asks "I just- They - EW" I manage to not make a full sentence but make a humble jumble of words. "you walked into their room while they were kissing?" he says "YES exactly" I almost yell pointing at him, he laughs "ITS NOT FUNNY" I yell jokingly. "yes it is" he says still laughing. "I'm going to destroy your kitchen" I start to walk to the kitchen "No, NO ALICE NO" Were now both running to the kitchen.

In my expertise I chuck the cupcakes onto the table and grab the flower. George runs into the kitchen and sees me with the flower in my arm and a handful of it in my fist threatening to throw it. He runs towards me "NO!" as soon as he gets close to me I chuck the flower in his face. he stands there for a moment, flower on his glasses and face he takes his glasses off and chucks them on the table. He looks at me for a moment with a straight face then starts laughing. he has a perfect outline of where is glasses used to be, I start laughing too. I put the flower down on the counter. I close my eyes because i am thankful he didn't kill me but also because this is too funny.

Just then I feel powder on my face. I open my eyes and see George with his hand covered in leftover flower that he chucked on my face. I stand shocked for a moment before I laugh again , i'm only laughing because he's laughing "ARSEHOLE" I yell and hit him while laughing but he's armed himself with more flower. 

Lockwood comes running through the kitchen door "STOP, DON'T KILL eachother?" Me and George look at eachother then back at Lockwood, we start laughing even more. "He thought ..." George says and laughs with enthusiasm. 

2 peas in a pod (George karim x OC~Alice Silver)Where stories live. Discover now