Self-harm - chris

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Another self harm one
I did not proof read this so sorry if anything is miss spelled or if I typed anything twice.

Third person pov:
Chris had been cutting and burning himself for 2 months now. No one knew but his brothers were starting to catch on. He was normally really hyper and active but he barley gets out of bed anymore and has no energy.

Chris pov:
"Hey come one we are filming a car video." Matt says standing at my door. "Ok give me a second." I respond waiting for him to leave so I can get up and put on a sweatshirt. I walk down stairs and go to the car. Once we are all in there Matt starts to drive. I'm silent the whole car ride there. "What's wrong Chris?" Nick asks me. "Why aren't you talking?" "I'm saving my energy for the video." I lie. I have no energy to save.

We arrived to our filming spot and we begin the video. I barley talk and just sit there and listen to Nick and Matt argue. I can't quit looking at my wrists to make sure my scars are covered. I see Matt looking at me trying to figure out why I'm looking at my wrists. So I quickly stop and he stops looking at me.

Matt's pov:
I notice Chris looking at his wrists ever so often. He also is not talking at all. I'm starting to get worried. When it's time to reset the camera Chris reaches for it and that when I saw his sleeve come up and I see red scars and pink burns. What the fuck. Is that what I think it is? My stomach immediately drops. I don't say anything but while Chris is resetting the camera I say "guys can we be done and refill this tomorrow I'm just not feeling this one." Nick agrees and we start heading home. On our way home I stop at a gas station saying I have to pee. I don't actually have to pee I just know Nick does and I need to talk to him. So I tell Chris to stay in the car and me and Nick go in.

Nick uses the bathroom and as he gets done I stop him. "Wtf dude I'm tryna leave." He says mad that I stopped him. "Nick, Chris is not ok. When he was resetting the camera his sleeve came up and I saw cuts and burns." "What the fuck. Are you sure?" "A thousand fucking percent sure. What do we do?" "I don't fucking know" Nick responds. "I guess we will talk to him when we get back home." "Ok sounds like a plan" i say.

Chris pov:
I notice Nick and Matt taking a while but I don't think anything of it until I remember he saw me looking at my wrists. And then it hits me, my sleeve came up when I reached for the camera. Oh no. They definitely know. I keep myself from freaking out because I see them walking out of the store. They get in the car and act like everything is normal. This makes me think that they don't know. The car ride home was silent.

When we get home I practically run to my room shut the door and lock it hoping that they wouldn't try and talk to me. But before I know it Matt is knocking on my door. "Hey can we come in?" He asks. I can't say no what if they are asking for another reason. "Sure" I respond opening the door for them. They come in and Matt asks me to sit down. "No I don't fucking need to sit down." I respond to his request. "Please just sit down." He asks again. "No" I say standing exactly where I have been this whole conversation. "So help me God Christopher Owen Sturniolo if you don't fucking sit down." Matt says getting angry at me. This immediately makes me sit down. "Why the fuck are y'all in here I'm fine." I say trying to get them to go away

"Your not fucking fine." Matt responds. Nick is just standing in the corner watching this. "Yes I fucking am." Matt walks over to me and pulls up my sleeves. This makes me immediately start to cry. "Does this look like fucking fine?" "This is not fucking fine Chris." Matt says tearing up. Nick starts crying and walking over toward me and starts to hug me. Matt hugs to. We all just sit there hugging and crying for 5 minutes. "Why Chrissy?" Nick asks. Oh lord this is the question I've been avoiding. "I don't know." I say. "Yes you do." Nick replies back calmly. "Fine, it just makes me feel better." "This shouldnt be the way of making yourself feel better. We are here to help you Chris" Matt says.

"I know" I say starting to cry again. "Where are they?" Nick asks. "Where is what?" I ask trying to act stupid. "The blades Chris." "I don't know" I respond. "Chris, yes you do. I will search this whole god damn room if you don't tell us now." Matt says. I grab the blade from under my bed and hand it to Matt.  " are there anymore?" He asks. "No" I say lying. "Ok so there are more. Where are they Chris?" "Fine" I say reaching over to my night stand getting three more blades out and handing them to Matt.

The boys all talk for two hours about how to help Chris and they got him a therapist. He is now doing so much better.

I hope you guys like this story. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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