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This is my first time writing a full story like this, I'm incredibly sorry in advance if you find mistakes/errors as English isn't my mother language.

WARNING: This includes profanity, and possible sexual(?) themes 

This is all for funsies, so I hope you enjoy this wherever you are.

Your host, Edward.

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Fresh out of Chicago comes the great Y/N   Y/L/N  in California after finding a new apartment that he could finally afford, which happens to be near lots of great spots like.. bars.

yeah that's probably just it. he's here to just.. get wasted.

just jokin'.

Y/N wants to start a new page of his book; his life, he's looking for a stable well paying job, long term friends who won't use him and judge him for being himself. just like what his past pals would do back in medical school, which really.. caused him to drop out because everybody around him was your typical ignorant rich prick with no sense of empathy for people. Y/N was quite the opposite, he often wouldn't sleep imagining the the horrors some have to go through everyday. he'd feel guilty for ever exceeding such high positions when the smart guy from his south side high school couldn't afford to continue his education. So Y/N is here living his anxiety-free life, imagining a better path for everybody else around him. 

As he stepped a foot in sweet sweet cali, he inhaled the refreshing breeze and already felt some sort of attachment to this place, that this  is something worth his time.

He had small talk with a nice taxi driver and zoned out when she started talking about how the world's 100% ending next year. 

Then he finally arrived, tipped the driver, and had another small talk with the owner of the loft.. goes by Remy. he was odd, and was staring at his crotch a lot. then Remy gave him the keys to 4C.

Y/N took the elevator and smiled that he would probably get used to this.

Y/N realized he only packed his clothes and his other personal stuff, he had no slight idea that the apartment he'd rent was unfurnished. he has 50$ next to his name.


"Fuck Los Angeles." I sigh I guess i ought to find a job right fuckin now just to buy a mattress.

"adulthood sucks doesn't it?" I whispered to myself. 

I felt a little ashamed.. I didn't even bother greeting my neighbors because of that exhausting trip, All I need right now is some motherfuckin' rest.

i laid on the cold hard-wooden floor in the most comfortable position and immediately dozed off due to my lack of energy 

A while has passed and I still had no control over my body, it was like someone was taking control over my body and forcing me to close my eyes and snore.

I could hear little snickers and comments, audible conversations happening right on top of me, I couldn't help but assume I ascended into heaven and the angels are laughing at the way i died, I am so fucking embarrassed right now, I can't get up but I can only listen and spy upon these people

The new guy! - A new girl fanfic (MALE READER X NICK MILLER)Where stories live. Discover now