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This is my first time driving here.

The night time in Los Angeles is so mesmerizing, the moon was clear and shiny and I was lost admiring the beauty of it all.

"Hey Y/N." Nick said in a soft tone

"Hm?" I face nick, he was half-smiling and was ready to spill something out, but instead he was silent. I was very confused and sleepy, my temper was running.

He didn't say a word.

"What?!" I said

"You're really handsome." Nick broke his silence

Surprise washed over me but at the same time I felt so happy, This compliment out of no-where caught me off guard.

I couldn't help but blush at the unexpected praise, I smile widely showing my teeth and in the most hushed voice I reply

"Thank you."

Nick closed his eyes and smiled "who knew dating a guy would be as cool"

"Tell me about it" I laugh

"Speaking of that, tell me about Ian! why was he such a dick? jesus." Nick asked

"I don't know!" I said and thought to myself again why he would be this rude after everything we've been through.

"there must be something you're not telling me" Nick raised his eyebrows

"I'm telling you all I know! which is nothing." I said

"Think hard enough dude, tell me what happened between you two, before you graduated." Nick said

I twisted my brain trying to visualize everything that happened in the past, but all I was remembering were the great moments between us.

the road Infront of me was no longer to be seen, It was replaced by my mere memories.

"Well, if you must know, the morning of my graduation I..." I break into a story.

I was decorating my graduation cap with Ian.


"That looks really good!" Ian said

"Hey thanks, yours looks good too" I replied

"Soo, have you thought about which uni you're going to?" Ian said

"Nope. I think I might take a gap year." I said

"A gap year? why?!" He said

"Highschool's been so exhausting! I need the biggest break right now." I said as I add color to my cap

"Are you kidding? You can rest after you graduate college. You're gonna be behind everybody." Ian said

"I don't care." I said

"C'mon! Let's go to the same university together!" Ian said

"Can we even afford it? " I said

Ian went silent.

"You were such a bummer dude." Nick interrupted my story

"I was immature, I know." I replied, back then I would only think about the cons not giving shit about the pros.

"Anyway, so things got a little out of control from there.."


"Do you just not want to be with me?!" Ian said

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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The new guy! - A new girl fanfic (MALE READER X NICK MILLER)Where stories live. Discover now