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the most beautiful part is, i wasn't even looking when i found you

Neve watched out of the passenger seat window as students began to fill the building. She hadn't ever attended a school this big - not until now, at least. The students varied of all kinds, which was very different than the secluded private school she'd gotten used to over the last year and a half.

The rules didn't bother Neve all that much, as she was used to being under strict watch at home. Constantly being under her aunt's watch, the woman checking on her every fifteen minutes as if she'd magically disappear - it was exhausting. She almost felt she had more freedom at the private school than at her own home, which should never be the case.

"I still don't think this is a very good idea," Neve's aunt Christine spoke from the driver's seat. "There's no security unless you count the two police officers, which is pointless with how big of a school it is. Maybe I should-"

"Chris, no." Neve quickly cut the other girl off. "Detective Forbes said we've been under the radar enough, not to mention they basically killed us. For all we know he thinks we're dead."

Chris sighed, looking ahead of her before back at the girl next to her. "I just don't think until he's caught it's safe to come out of hiding."

"No offense, Aunt Christine, but the only one that's really been in hiding is me." Neve couldn't help but say as she grabbed the car door handle. "You're still living your life as the same Chris you were, you didn't change anything about yourself but your last name."

Neve pulled herself out of the car, throwing her backpack on her back. Just as she was about to shut the door, her aunt stopped her.

"Don't forget the rules," Chris said, sending her a serious look.

"Yeah, got it," Neve muttered, finally shutting the door.

She ignored the annoyed look from her aunt as she turned and made her way across the crosswalk. People walked all around her, chattering amongst themselves as they got ready for the school day. It was a new school year, and she hoped that despite being new, it wasn't as noticeable since it was a new year.

Surely, there'd be multiple new students, so the attention wouldn't be on her the way everyone always made it seem in the movies.

She walked slowly toward the entrance of the school. Thankfully, she remembered most of where she needed to go because of the tour she'd gotten when she first enrolled, although it was a little harder since the school was a lot fuller now than it was then.

Finding her way to her first class should be pretty easy, as it resides on the top level. The school - Halloway High - had a huge yet simple layout. It was two stories high and the length of what looked like a college campus.

It was just like you'd see in the movies - a centerpiece in the front entrance of the school displaying an important statue along with information about the founder of the school - Demitri Halloway.

Neve stopped, taking in the small information on the copper plaque. It basically stated that Demitri had founded the school, using all the resources and help he could to get it to what it is today. It's been inherited in his family for generations, Principal after Principal being related to the man who founded it.

"Pretty boring information, isn't it?" An unfamiliar voice questioned, catching Neve's attention.

She glanced over at the sudden sound, not expecting anyone to be next to her. But there stood a boy - much taller than her - wearing dark clothing. He had on a dark jacket to match, his hair just as dark as the rest. The only 'light' thing about him was his eyes, which looked to be a beautiful hazel color from what she could see - considering he squinted at the statue in front of them.

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