Chapter 2

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[several hours later. The party had calmed down and now everyone was individually and quietly talking with each other.]

Narrator: Several hours had passed. The party had calmed down and now everyone was individually and quietly talking with each other. Vincent and Daniel were sitting at a table and while Vincent was talking more about the other guests, Daniel couldn't help but stare at Alex.

Vincent: So, what do you think, kid? You finding your place here yet?

Daniel: (he had been caught off guard. He wasn't paying attention the entire time Vincent was talking to him) Huh..? What were you saying?

Vincent: I was asking how you're finding things here. You seem a little distracted.

Daniel: Oh, uh, yeah. It's... nice. I like it here. It's just... I can't help but feel bad for Alex. He seems so lonely.

Vincent: Alex is trouble, Daniel. He's the kind of guy who brings everyone else down. Trust me, it's better if you just stay away from him.

Daniel: But... don't you think we should try to help him? Maybe show him that he still has a place here?

Vincent: I'm not saying we should leave him to rot, but you need to be careful. He's not an easy guy to understand.

Daniel: He looks like he's been struggling for a long while... Maybe he's not easy to understand because you guys have never tried to understand him. (He stands up) I'm going to talk to him.

Vincent: Daniel... I really don't think that's a good idea.

Daniel: He seems like a nice guy, just... misunderstood is all. I think if we give him a chance, we could help him feel better. (He walks over to Alex, sitting alone in the corner) Hi, Alex. I'm Daniel.

Alex: (looks up, a blank and tired expression resting on his face. He said nothing for several minutes and was giving Daniel a judgmental glare.)

Daniel: (he stood there with an awkward smile on his face trying to think of something to say) so... I um... I heard some people talking about you. That you used to be... well... different. I heard you were very good friends with Lisa and Vincent, do you mind if i asked what happened between you guys..?

Alex: (still looking tired, he finally spoke) What do you want to know, Daniel? Why did they stop talking to me? Why did they all turn against me? Why do you think you have the right to know anything about it?

Daniel: I'm sorry if it's not my place to ask, but... I just... I feel like there has to be more to the story than what everyone says. I mean, you used to be their best friend, right? So, there has to be something that happened between the three of you. Something that led to this. I just wanted to know so I could try to help. You look extremely sad and I don't think anyone should feel like that.

Alex: (his eyes narrow into a cold glare, but there's a hint of sadness there too) I don't want to talk about it, Daniel. I've told my story a thousand times and I'm sick of people thinking they could try to help with their 'it'll eventually get better' and 'god gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers.' bullshit. Just leave it be, alright? I'm fine with being alone and I don't want your help.

Daniel: (taken aback by Alex's harsh words, he takes a step back. He can feel the sting of tears in his eyes and his heart aches for the guy) I'm sorry if I've said something wrong, Alex. I really am. I just... I couldn't help but feel bad for you. I mean, it's obvious that you're going through something tough and I just wanted to... I don't know... be there for you, I guess. I'm not trying to push you or anything.

Alex: (looks away, avoiding eye contact) I'm not looking for someone to be there for me. I've had enough of that. I just want to be left alone. So, if you could... just go back to your group and your little friends, that'd be great.

Daniel: (takes another step back, feeling hurt but understanding Alex's position) Alright... I'm sorry I bothered you. I hope you eventually feel better, Alex. (He turns around, giving Alex one last look before walking back over to his group)

Narrator: Daniel returned to his table, feeling slightly disheartened but understanding that Alex wasn't in the mood to talk. He sat down next to Vincent, who had been watching the exchange between Daniel and Alex with a smug expression.

Vincent: (smirking) So, how'd that go?

Daniel: Not well. Alex isn't in the mood to talk about anything. I think I should just leave him alone for now.

Vincent: (laughs) Well, you tried, I guess. (looks over at Alex) What a crazy idea, I wish I had thought of that! Oh wait- (gives a sly smile) actually, I did. If you had just trusted me then maybe you wouldn't have awkwardly stood there for five minutes and made things worse.

Daniel: (ignoring Vincent's comment) I'm going to go find a quiet spot to hang out. This place is getting kind of crowded.

Vincent: (shrugs) Whatever, dude. Do your thing. (takes another sip of his drink)

Narrator: Daniel gets up and walks around the building, eventually he wanders outside and finds a secluded spot near a garden where he can sit and think. He pulls out his phone and starts browsing the internet, trying to distract himself from the events that unfolded with Alex.

Lisa: (appears next to him) Hey Daniel, mind if I join you?

Daniel: (glances up at her) Oh, hey Lisa. No, go ahead. (motioning for her to sit)

Lisa: (she sits down beside him noticing how sad he looked) Is something wrong, Daniel? You seem very sad.

Daniel: (sighs) Yeah, I'm just having a rough night. You know how it is.

Lisa: (reaches out and pats his shoulder) It's okay to feel that way sometimes. You know I'm always here for you if you ever want to talk.

Daniel: (smiles weakly) Thanks, Lisa. It means a lot to me. (looks back down at his phone) Well... I was trying to speak with Alex earlier but he wasn't having it. I just wish I knew how to help him.

Lisa: (leans in closer) Actually, I know why Alex is acting the way he is. There's something that happened to him recently that's been really weighing on his mind.

Daniel: (He looked up and seemed a bit surprised) Really what happened?
Lisa: (She paused for a moment and then took a deep breath, starting to speak) Well...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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