Kims new pet {M}

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Owing money at the Kim casino was bad news. As Hanni was dragged out of the casino by the bouncer, what looked to be one of the higher ups whispered something in his ear. To Hanni's confusion, she was brought deeper into the casino, to the CEO's office. Hanni had known the ceo to be a ruthless Boss, leading her mafia with the casino as a front.

"Minji."a girl that seemed to be Minji's secretary said obviously trying to get Minji's attention

"Ah, so you've arrived. Owing us money, eh? Your life is in my hands now. Luckily for you, i find you cute. So i have a proposition for you." Minji said.

Hanni whimpers and swallows the knot in her throat "A-And what is that..?"

"I'll spare your life if you become my...toy. I won't touch you without consent, but you'll do whatever i say." She said

"Will I still be able to see my family and go to school..?" Hanni said nervously

"You'll have a life, but it will be within the confines of my rules. You'll live in my mansion and work for me, but you're free to go outside as long as you don't cause any trouble." Minji said sternly

"Alright.. its not like i can refuse right..?" Hanni said

The beautiful mafia boss stood up, her black dress flowing around her stiletto heels. She circled Hanni like a predator, her eyes never leaving Hanni's. "Very well. From this moment on, you belong to me.

Hanni gets up from her knees weakly and nods barely having the ability to speak anymore

Minji grabbed Hanni's chin, forcing her to look into her eyes. "Remember, my pet. I am your Mistress now. You will obey me without question or hesitation." Minji released Hanni and stepped back, a smirk playing on her lips.

"Y-Yes Minji.." Hanni said lowly not wanting to make her new owner mad seeing how much money she was in debt to

"I have big plans for you, my dear. But first, we need to get you settled into your new life." She paused for dramatic effect before adding, "Your new room is ready. Follow me." Minji finished

Hanni just nodded and agreed following her around the maze of a mansion before finally stopping infront of a overly fancy door with a gold handle..?

Minii twisted the door knob revealing the room she led Hanni. It was lavishly decorated, with a king-sized bed, a large walk-in closet, and a private bathroom. It was clear that she was expected to live here from now on. Even at the scary thought Hanni still looked around the room with stars. Hanni came from a poor family that gambled to get money for groceries, thats where Hanni got in this situation in the first place.

"Now comes the fun part," she purred. "I want you to explore your new surroundings and get acquainted with your new life. But remember, no funny business. You belong to me now." Minji warned looking Hanni deeply in the eyes

"Y-Yes ofcourse.!" Hanni stuttered embarrassedly mentally slapping herself at the stupid answer

"That's better," she said, her tone softening slightly. "I know it might be overwhelming at first, but I promise to guide you every step of the way." Minji suddenly leaned in close, her breath tickling Hanni's ear. "And remember, my pet..."
Hanni gasped at the sudden hot breathe feeling a tingling between her legs

"I'm always watching." Minji's lips brushed against Hanni's cheek before she stepped back with a smirk. "Now go ahead and explore. I'll be waiting for you in my office when you're done."

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