Jae: Three

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As they left the conference room, Jae waited by the door, and when Jack stepped out, Jae pushed him back into the room with every ounce of strength he had. He didn't let go until Jack's large body was inside the room, and then Jae kicked the door closed behind him, ignoring Bo's incessant whining.

"What the fuck was that?" Jae yelled, pushing at Jack's chest again. "Is this a joke to you? Are you going to use this opportunity to make me pay for leaving, Jack? You're not taking things seriously already, you're making a mockery of everything we've worked so hard to put together, and you're making me look like an asshole!"

Jae ran his hands through his hair, trying to remember everything he wanted to say. He /hated/ conflict, especially conflict with Jack.

"I don't give a fuck that you were sought after for this project. The entirety of this expedition is riding on /my/ research and /my/ contacts and /my/ grant proposal. You're kidding yourself if you think I couldn't pull the plug on you and your sideshow and still shove off from this dock and leave you and your crew on land."

Jack was the top of his field, he was easy on the eyes, and Jae knew why the investors wanted him. The documentary would go a long way to recouping expenses put out on this trip, and Jae knew he'd probably see it on Shark Week next year and Jack would be catapulted into stardom. A regular Andy Casagrande. Jae could admit to himself that this had a little to do with jealousy. But just a little. More to do with embarrassment. And being undermined. And looking like a fool.

He slammed his hand onto the table, not able to express his exasperation with Jack in words the man wouldn't throw back at him with bravado and comic relief.

"This is my life, Jack! These are my colleagues! I don't have a YouTube channel to fall back on or...or...some side business. This is my business. This is an enormous break for me; you've got to know that. You can't be that daft."

He reached up, tugging at his hair. Jae felt like nothing he was saying meant anything to the man. Just like before. They'd only been on the boat less than six hours and they were at each other's throats.

"Look, you can hate me, cuss me, talk shit about me when we're not working. But when we're in meetings, or working, I am your equal. It's Dr. Olson. And you don't get to put that shitty tone in your voice when you say it."

Jae stuttered, pointing at Jack. "And...and fuck you for taking the biggest room on the boat!"

Jae was furious, just...beyond consolation. He turned, grabbing the door handle and pulled it open, finding a camera right in the face.

"The contract said I had unlimited access to Mr. Keller...," but Jae didn't let the kid finish. He shoved him against the opposite wall and stalked past him.

"You can fucking have him. And keep that camera out of my face!"

Jae headed to his quarters, having chosen the room closest to the bridge. He didn't even want the head scientists room, but just the fact that Jack took it without asking showed how big his fucking ego was. Massive. More of a turn-on than he cared to admit.

He'd just pulled out his laptop when Michele walked in, holding two pints of chocolate ice cream and two spoons.

"God bless you. Seriously. You're a saint."

She smiled sweetly, climbing onto Jae's bed. "I know. Now dish. I know you're pissed, but...he's hotter in person. You gotta be about that."

Jae gave her a droll look, curled up beside her and took the ice cream. "He's insufferable. Still. He's an...infant. He makes me see red. Did you see him during the meeting? His snide fucking remarks and the way everyone laughed at his little jokes."

Jae shoved a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth, waving around the spoon as he mimicked Jack's voice. "I won't crouch down for selfies!"

Michele didn't laugh, even though Jae did, and when he looked over at her, she rolled her eyes.

"You're still into him." She took a bite of her own ice cream, shrugging. "You wanna bone him. Get your practice on. Bag the big shark."

Jae pushed on her shoulder and sent her tumbling off the bed. He saved the ice cream before she hit the floor, just because he didn't want to clean up the mess.

"Listen, asshole...," Michele began, climbing back on the bed and jerking her ice cream from his hand. "I'm not joking. It's written all over your little lying face, and you know I only tell you the truth even when you don't want to hear it. So suck it up."

Jae sighed, sitting back and laying his head on Michele's shoulder. "He's gotten toned. I read about the work his team does--don't tell him that--and they've hauled up some big sharks."

"Mmmhmm." Michele reached up and ran her fingers through Jae's hair, "Shut up and eat. I don't want to hear about it. Not right now. Game of Thrones is about to be on."

Jae woke in a decent mood, heading down to the galley and following the smell of pancakes. Or waffles. Either were fine with him. He was starving and in need of caffeine if today was going to happen.

They'd left port about eleven o'clock that night, but they were still a day or more away from their first destination. Michele had pushed him to go to Jack's demonstration, but he'd refused, keeping her in his room with a new show to binge watch: iZombie. He'd done a little work here and there during episodes while she laid out in his lap. There was no way he could go to that demo. Nope.

But today was a new day, and there seemed to be chocolate chip waffles, so life was very, very good. Jae's metabolism was massive for such a skinny guy, but he could put away just as much food as Jack could, or anyone for that matter. Just as he sat down, Devin, one of his marine biologists, scooted in next to him, wide-eyed with excitement.

"Man, Dr. Olson. You should have seen that demo! It was wicked cool! I mean, sharks like...thirteen hundred pounds put in tonic immobility and then pulled on deck? I thought he was joking, but nope. I watched the videos when I went back to the cabin. This guy is legit! I'm...I mean, if you don't mind, I'm going to try to get on the deck team. Would that be alright?"

Jae wanted to turn the kid down, just to spite Jack. Devin was a real hard worker, and smart, adaptive, really taking to new things quickly. He was in charge of his own team; that's how much faith in the young man Jae had.

"Sure. But if it gets in the way of your research, you'll have to stop. Remember, Mr. Keller's part of this expedition is only one of many. Keep your eyes on our goal. If you can do that, it should be fine."

Fuck. He hated being the adult.

"Sweet!" Devin nodded, grinning like a fool. "Thanks, Dr. Olson. I thought for sure you'd be a little pissed after the way you guys got into it yesterday, but..."
Jae stopped him, shaking his head. "We're all professionals. The things Mr. Keller and I argue about are none of your concern, and neither of us will let it compromise the trip."

Devin got the point and nodded, turning back to his breakfast. "Yes, sir. I understand sir."

And with that, breakfast became quiet again, even though Jae could tell the kid was busting to tell him all the things Jack did.

Too bad. 

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