Jack: Seven

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His team had rushed to the platform to lower it and help the rescue boat back it as soon as possible. Jack, standing on it, a spear gun firmly held in his hand and ready to make sure the shark wouldn't have the good idea to follow it too close, watched the crew get out of the embarkation without a word, his jaw clenched. It took some time to get everyone back on deck and they were all wet and freezing by the time they found themselves inside again. The storm, mirroring Jack's anger, was now raging outside with such a strength half the scientific crew started to get nauseous, the boat rocking up and down despite his size.

"No need to get mad, Big Guy. It was just a cut after all. A big, nasty one but he'll live.", Michele told him as she saw him stare at the medics taking care of Jae and the idiot he rescued.

He smiled at her but his smile wasn't quite reaching his eyes.

"Doll, 'mad' doesn't even begin to cover it.", he retorted.

Santos walked in and nodded at Jack to inform him the platform was up and secured again. Only then did Jack walk to the cameraman who was still coughing and shaking, wrapped in a blanket.

He crouched down before him. "You okay? No broken bones?", he asked. The guy shook his head and swallowed hard.

"Good. Now, from now on, I don't want any of you morons unsupervised. I don't care if it gets in the way of your suicidal stupidity but I mean it. I find just one of you being somewhere you shouldn't be and I'll throw /you/ in the water myself. You almost got six of my people killed tonight and so far, I don't think your brain dead existence is worth six lives. Do you?", he continued coldly.

The head of the camera crew stepped forward to say something but met Jack's gaze. "I...You're right. I'm sorry. I didn't know he was on the deck.", he apologized.

"You didn't. None of you knows what it's like to live on a boat. You think it's all great shots and bad ass action and you're so focused on how wet your girlfriends at home are gonna get when you come home with your story...but I don't give a flying fuck about that. That was strike one. Considering there are lives at risk in this expedition already, I'm not taking any extra risks by people who can't think lightly. There won't be a second strike. Do I make myself clear? Tomorrow, and before we get to our destination, Santos and Michele will give you another class about safety and if either of them decide you're not taking it seriously, you can shove these cameras up your ass and hope something's happening in there because that's all you'll freaking get! Out of my sight and take Dumber with you.", he growled.

There was some brief hesitation lingering in the air before the men helped the idiot up and hurried out to go back to their cabin.

Jack turned around and ignored Santos's glare. He knew the man would follow his orders anyway and he wouldn't discuss it.

Then he watched the medic finish his work, adjusting the bandage around Jae's leg. "All set. One antibiotic shot and I'm done. Just don't use that leg for a bit and come by the infirmary first thing in the morning so I can check on you.", he said.

Jack opened the door for the guy then motioned the rest of the crew to get out.

Santos complied right away, Michele looked between Jae and Jack.

"You're...not gonna kill him, right? I mean...He gave us all a big scare and I'm all for depriving him of your sexy and my sassy for a few hours but...", she mused before seeing the look in the tall man's eyes.

"I...yeah.". She followed after the last member of the crew, leaving Jack and Jae alone.

Jack closed the door then kept facing it for a moment, thinking about the next words that would come out of his mouth. Then he turned to face Jae, still sitting on a table in the middle of the break room. In the panic, everyone rushed in here after the 'incident', the medics included.

His eye twitched as he watched the man and he decided to get himself a beer before casually sitting on the table across from Jae's.

"So. Did you go crazy in the past three years?", he started before taking a sip from the beer can. "What the fuck were you thinking? And don't give me the 'I saved a life' shit because all I saw out there was you risking more lives. Yours and the ones of everyone in that boat. Jumping in water infested with sharks during a storm? That's exactly the kind of stunts you accused me of pulling. The kind of stuff I'm supposed to do and the reason why you left me, as I heard. So what?". He stared at Jae and it was obvious none of the answers Jae could give him would be good enough.

"You want to be a hero? You want to be a fucking star? Well, I'll gladly give you that YouTube channel you sound so bitter about. Have at it. Get yourself killed in front of everyone who cares about you."; he growled before finishing the beer and crushing the can into his fist. He tossed it in the trash can from where he was and jumped on his feet.

"If I recall right, we were in this room when you got on your high horse telling me you could pull the plug on me whenever you wanted. I'm gonna save you that effort. One more stunt like that and I'll pull that damn plug myself, you hear me? I don't care how much work you put into this expedition, I didn't come here to watch you die. I'm not even gonna ask you if you realize what it felt to see you disappear into the water or see blood in said water because you're gonna make that pissy face and turn the tables on me. I'm not in the mood for that and I didn't need to get reminded of how bad the idea of a world without you in it hurts. Thank you for that.", he sighed.

"You have people here depending on you. Maybe you should think about that next time you feel heroic, Dr Olson. Congratulations though. You're me. Let's see if it works better for you than it has for me so far.", he gritted between his teeth.

Walking to the door, he felt heavy and tired.

"Glad you didn't die, asshole.", he added as he opened the door. Michele almost fell in his arms when he did as she was trying to listen to what was being said inside by pressing herself against the door..

"He's all yours. I'm done.", he grunted before walking out.

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