Jack: Nine

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When Jae fell, he almost got up to help but the man's words were still ringing in his ears. So, despite the fact it made him cringe to see Jae on the floor, he focused on his plate and didn't look up when he exited the room. However, it almost felt like the room suddenly got emptied with him and with Bo who followed after Jae faithfully.

"So not a word? You didn't feel like answering to what he just said?", Michele enquired, obviously trying to meet his eyes.

"What do you want me to say? Jae knows everything already, in case you didn't notice. Judge and jury.", he retorted dryly before sighing and pushing his plate away from him. He wasn't hungry anymore.

"He jumped into the water so you wouldn't. Are you aware of that?", she continued. Damn, that one was relentless.

He leaned back in his chair and finally looked at her.

"I was planning to get on the platform and have Santos move me over the water with the fishing crane. I saw the shark, Jae didn't. If he had, he wouldn't have jumped like he did.", he stated before moving to get up. The woman stopped him by placing her hand on his arm.

"You two need to talk this out. I can't be the only one seeing how ridiculous this is. You two are meant for each other.", she announced like it was the scoop of the year.

Jack stared at her then shrugged.

"I agree with that. Never said I didn't know.", he said calmly.

Michele opened her mouth, ready to throw valid arguments at his face to prove herself right but his words reached her brain and she blinked.

"Wait...what? But then...Okay, I'm trying to think logically here. But clearly, there should be a chapter in any psychological study book just for you. Maybe because you're so tall. Your brain is not wired like ours. Can you say that again?", she asked.

Jack crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged again.

"You'd get it better if you had all the facts. I was convinced he was the man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Without one single doubt. But he left. Not a note, not a single explanation. So that was the end of it and it almost killed me. Literally. Then I moved on. Just like he did.", he grumbled.

Michele remained silent for a moment. Then she rolled her eyes.

"Oh come on. He was afraid to lose you. Terrified even. But he didn't want you to change the way you were. It was stupid and I'm sure he regretted it. But I didn't hear anything about you going after him to demand an explanation, did I? Why? Because your bruised ego forbids it or because you didn't think it was worth the effort? As for moving on... seriously? If any of you moved on, then I'm Madonna.", she snorted.

Jack's blood was beginning to boil and he knew that was probably what she wanted. To make him blow up and say things he'd never say in a clear state of mind.

"Yeah, he was afraid to lose me. But see, I could have become a museum guide, with nice hours and no predators coming at me and getting cancer. Or hit by a bus. Or killed by a random idiot. That's bullshit. He was afraid of the pain it would mean to lose me and he left me with it. That exact same pain he was dreading, he shoved it at me and left with his stuff and the dog. How does that fit your profile, Dr Phil?", he growled before getting up and not letting her stop him this time.

Pulling out his wallet from his pocket, he took a couple of bills from it and tossed them on the table before her.

"Here. Thanks for the consultation. Buy yourself a life with it so maybe you'll stop telling others how to live theirs. And in case you forgot, you're supposed to teach some people about safety with Santos as we speak. Get on that.".

He walked out, not wanting to admit he was slightly shaking. He hated to think about that, about Jae, about that night.

"You can't do that, Keller.", the feminine voice behind him scowled.

He widened his eyes and turned around... to find Michele standing there, her fists clenched and her nostrils flaring.

She'd be scary if she wasn't so tiny.

"He fucked up. You two lost three years and I wish there was a way to undo that but there isn't. Suck it up. You can't tell me you think he's your one and then say it's over because /he/ left. That's a two way street, Mister. Love isn't over like that over bruised egos and fear. You can ...be your big...selfish....tree self and lose more years or you can say something. Anything! Ugh!", she hissed before walking around him to get to the lower deck where her class was supposed to happen.

Jolene appeared from around the corner and nodded. "Damn. I wouldn't like to get on her wrong side. But... did she just...", she started before going silent. Jack was grateful. He had enough of mouthy and curious women for the day.

"Let's just say that never happened. I have to get to work and I need to make sure the camera crew won't piss me off again. You do you but I can't wait to get to work and focus on something else than this pile of crap. This is not a shark study ship, it's the freakin' Love Boat.", he muttered before doing just as he said.

Jolene didn't move for a moment. Three years ago, he set a house on fire because the guy he wanted to propose to left and now Jolene was mentioning something that happened three years ago as well.

"I need to have a talk with Miss Fury.", she decided. And she would. After she made sure she was ready to get to work as well. She had no intention of being yelled at on this boat.

As for Jack, he spent the next hours pacing and growling about everything while looking at the rookies practicing. They just arrived on site and he was planning to bring the first sharks the very next day at dawn. His plan had been to announce who was on the team tonight after dinner but he couldn't focus and it was bothering him. Santos joined him after the safety class and helped him get his groove back by growling at him a few times and for once, Jack didn't make any sarcastic comments or jokes. He wanted to do this right so they could all go home and it didn't take a rocket scientist to guess he was missing his boat, his small boat with no past coming at him, no people trying to tell him if he was right to feel hurt or not.

At least, by showing the same motions over and over to the candidates, he managed to clear his head enough to relax lightly.

All he needed.

"Alright, everyone, clear your material and go take a shower. You're making my deck smell like a high school dorm.", he chuckled before shaking everyone's hand. He had to admit they all did their best and they were all very eager to join the team.

The camera crew, still cautious after the incident, also complied with every rule he set and he wondered how long that would last but he didn't want to keep them on their toes if they were serious about it.

"You join us for dinner, right?", the guy Jae saved the day before asked as the rest walked back to their quarters.

Jack thought about it for a moment. He could cave a little longer and avoid Jae and his groupie another night.

But everyone worked hard today and none of them should carry his grudges.

"Yeah, sure.", he answered. The guy's enthusiasm and relief were so visible it made him smile.

Maybe it could be a good night after all.

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