Hey guys! If you clicked on this, then that means you are in for one helluva good story by none other than moi! So sit back, relax, maybe grab some food (Cuz...y'know...food is good and stuff) and enjoy!
THIS WILL, AT SOME POINT, POSSIBLY HAVE SOME SEXUAL CONTENT! It may not be full description and stuff, but it will get quite heated even if I don't get too much into it. Enjoy!
"Why the hell can't you just stick to the plan!?" Lightning yelled, leaning in to face her partner.
"Oh, I dunno." Fang replied, sarcastically tapping her chin. "Maybe because your 'plan' is almost as bad as your skills as a commander!?"
The two girls' foreheads were pressed against one-another as they both growled.
"Girls!" Snow yelled. "It's just a video game!"
"Shut up!" The two yelled in unison.
"And this is why we can't have nice things..." Snow said.
Hope chuckled, setting his controller down. "You'd think they were battling PSICOM again."
As the two women shouted obscenities at one another, Hope and Snow walked out, deciding it best to not get caught in the crossfire of the two girls' yelling.
"Snaggle toothed barbarian!" Lightning yelled.
"Sanctum-brainwashed kiss ass!" Fang retorted.
"Why don't you two just have sex and end this stupid little rivalry!" Serah said, walking down the steps.
"Oh shut up." Fang said, turning around.
"Don't tell my sister to shut up, whore!" Lightning said.
Fangs eyes widened, standing up and turning to face Lightning. "Now I know I didn't hear what I just thought I heard, and I'm going to be the bigger woman and just leave."
"You heard me right, you two gil whore!" Lightning yelled, standing in Fang's way as she tried to leave. "What the hell are you gonna do about it?"
Fang had send three punches straight into Lightning's abdomen, leaving her fist where it was at the last one. Lightning was bent over her fist, he eyes wide in both shock and pain. There was a small silence in the room for a few seconds, before Fang stepped back, pulling her fist away.
Lightining's eyes squeezed shut as she gripped her stomach and collapsed onto her knees, holding her stomach in pain. She coughed, moving one hand in front of her mouth as she did. Something landed in her hand. Something...warm...wet...
Lightning moved to her feet with a small struggle, looking at the ground. Fang's eyes were wide.
"Lighting, I di-" she began.
Lightning dashed past Serah on the steps, shutting herself in her room.
"...Goddamnit..." Fang said, looking to where she ran.
"...You best head home, Fang." Serah said, looking at her, more sympathy in her eyes then anger, but there was obviously anger in them still.
"...I didn't me-....I'm sorry..." She said. "I'll just...go." She walked out, beginning her walk home.
Why do I feel so bad about this!? Fang thought to herself. She bloody called me a whore! She had it coming! And yet... "Gah!" She thought out loud. "What the hell's wrong with me!?"
I feel like this is off to a good start! Most of my updates in the future are gonna be a BIT longer. Pushing for 2-4 pages per chapter. I'm gonna TRY to update as much as possible, but with work outs and open mats for wrestling starting, not sure if I'll have the energy to. Goodbye for now, and remember my friends; Stay smexi. VAMPIRE EMOTE! ^,-,^