I feel cold (Dead Brown AU)

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Brown cameraman POV

I saw we managed to free titan speakerman. Im glad as i saw TV woman going down and saved plunger, i tried calling for help but my vocal cord that allowed me to speak got badly damaged and only creating a screeching sound its sting whenever i try to raise my voice but i dont want to die so i try yelling but no one heard everyone left...

Its been 3 days since i was left behind no one ever checked whenever im alive or not, I guess.... Noone did ever cared

I said this to myself as oil leaks from my lenses and my back up power was nearly low

"Never knew dying would be so.... Lonely"

A day later at noon. rain started to pour down on brown cameraman corpse

*Rain* *plash* *plash* *rain*

No one POV

A person with black clothes and black hat open an umbrella and place it near brown cameraman

???: "its rather cold that this is your fate. But no one will ever heard of you than the last person that buried you"

The person open his own umbrella as he bring out in his coat a table and tap the picture and a big red X appeared

???: "just wait for a day and they'll... nvm"


Yeah sorry if its short

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