what if Lincoln join the mafia

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A/N note. The art is not mine and please leave a comment about my chapters and criticism for my future improvements. Enjoy the read fellow readers

Lincoln POV

Hello guys this is me Lincoln. You might be wondering Lincoln why are you in the middle of the night carrying your bag and in a different location. Well you answered your question I'm in new York the place where its never sleep and why im i here long thing short i run away from my house.

You already asking why did run away, well you still remember the luck incident right? Well it gotten worse, my family keep using me as a lucky charm by lucky charm i meant the squirrel costume and uses left and right and thay not all i have use it at school and because when i got caught by my family without they treat me like before and chadler is being the worst and no thank to it my life is hell.

Its been 2 months since its happened and i have enough! I can't let them push me or think that a lie like that is even legitimate to left me outside so i have to make a tough choice. Either i keep suffering till then or just left everything and start a new  i hope this new life its much worse that back at Michigan

I frown as i bumped into a man clutching his hip and rushing to the alley way


"Hey kid. Seen a man with brown coat running over here"

"Uh yes he bumped me and-"

I froze up as i saw the man was large at least i believe to be 6ft i just keep looking

"Whats the Matter you love me or something"

The tall man ask and i shakes my head and answers the tall man question nervously

"Well you see-"

"No time kid and answer me was their a man with a brown coat come by here"

"N-no sir haven't seen one i just got here"

"You sure? You seem nervous"


The sound of a crack gun of a gun firing just nearby the alleyway and a huge thud falling just nearby me. I froze in fear as i slowly at the man who's his body showed the mark of 3 bullet hitting a vital spot. My body and mind couldn't move or think properly.

"Thanks for keeping him busy kid arg!"

I snap back as the raspy voice who shot the tall man was still clutching his hip, blood was slowly pouring down as he drop his gun. I mustered up a courage and tried to help the man by using first aid that he stuff in his bag

"Pls don't move sir I'll help what i-"


The muffle pain of the man continues until i was done stitching and cleaning the blood

"And done whew"

"Ha ha thank kid how ha did you learn to sew wounds like that?"

"Well i learn by sticking to my.... To someone i know"

"Well kid whatever it is we need to go before-"

"No need. Im here"

The man groan in annoyance as me and him look into a man just the same height by the previous man looking at us with eyes like a hawk

"I told you to be careful. If it weren't for the kid help. I would have find you body in the trash, perfectly for a grave for a man like you"the man grab the man and help him walk

"Ugh fuck you"

The tall man look unamused and look at the kid

"Thank you kid. But shouldn't you be home by this time?"

The man eyes look like an eagle staring me up and down i felt uncomfortable and fear. I nervously answer

"We-ll i"

"No need to be said come on"


"You don't have a home don't you? Come on before the authorities arrive"

"I-i... Yeah"

I followed them to another alley but atleas this one has a dim light and a car which look awesome

I followed them to another alley but atleas this one has a dim light and a car which look awesome

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"Stop staring and get inside. Help Freddie here inside"

"Yeah kid.....but mine is better"


The other guys that help Freddie look at him before entering, i help Freddie while being careful not slip up cause heavyweight is difficult to move for me atleas. We got inside the car and the inside was beautiful, i look around and saw Freddie trying to reaching something underneath his seat i help and reveals to be a case full of... Alcohol

"Ah buddy, i knew i could count on you"

".... Try to limit your drinking, that for guest only"

"Bah! You ruin my mood"


I guess this begins my new life. New york  a city that never sleep.


A/N: any thoughts on the chapter?

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