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First Kanaphan was on a mission, a mission to find the beautiful boy again. It's been a full week of going around the school, checking out every place, even missing out on one or two of his classes, but his efforts were seeming to be extreme failure as he saw no trace of the boy anywhere.

Dejected he slumped down on his seat in the cafeteria and heaved a long sigh. His friends spared him a glance, looking at his gloomy face, "what's with you filling the room with negative aura in my charismatic presence" Ohm said putting a spoonful of yogurt into his mouth.

The said boy again just sighed, put on his earphones and lowered his head down on the table, getting engulfed by the tune resonating through his ears. The other two share a look as they looked at their friend who looked like a kid who had dropped his favorite candy and was mourning it's loss. They didn't know what they could do to help their friend, Mark slowly took the yogurt spoon and brought it infront of First's mouth feeding him, the other just opened his mouth taking it in, he couldn't get his beautiful boy but atleast the yogurt was tasty.

He lazily roamed his eyes around the cafeteria and it was like God had finally taken some pity on his sorrow, because right at the moment the boy he had been searching for since a week was marching out the door. First's eyes followed the boy and he suddenly stood up, making the other two other flinch and a second later spluttering the yogurt, the boy ran out the cafeteria door, giving no mind to his friends calling after him.

First looked at the boy digging around his locker, he was just observing the boy a bit, it didn't count as stalking right? He takes a deep breathe, straightening his clothes out a bit and confidently walks down the hallway, standing right behind the other male and he clears his throat to make the other one known of his presence. And so far, the shorter boy hadn't acknowledged his existence. Maybe he didn't hear him... or maybe he did and decided to completely ignore him.

Khao was taking some of his supplies out of his locker, when suddenly he felt a presence behind him and so as he turned around he was met with those big bambi eyes and a very cheerful face. He raised his brow a bit, as if to ask what the other needed.

"Hi, I actually wanted to say sorry for the other day, I know it was so impolite of me not to apologize" First started as his eyes caught sight of the bandage still wrapped around the boy's wrist, "And is your hand alright?, I'm sorry I was actually playing with my friend but I didn't know he would chase me around and then i bumped into you and didn't even apologize and...." Now this was getting awkward.

The other boy just stared at him, was that yogurt dripping down his chin to the uniform? Khao internally cringed, and also why did the the boy always seemed to be carrying around a guitar?.

First was nervous, his once confident act was now gone and he felt embarrassment creeping up to him, the shorter boy gave him a stare for a few seconds and then he was left alone in the hallway as the other boy walked away slinging his backpack around his shoulder.

First was flabbergasted was an understatement, because no one had ever ignored him like this, most of the time he was the one ignoring people rejecting their advances and for the first time in his life, he was ignored like a plague. But well First wasn't the one who would give up so easily. So, now he was running after the boy, trying to catch up to him.

Khao glanced at the boy who was following him, annoying was the word for what he felt right now because what did he want from him? and as far as he knows he had never even seen this boy before he had slammed him down in the hallway a few days ago. He stopped walking as he turned around to face the taller boy who was heaving a bit because of having ran after him.

First looked expectingly at the other as he stopped, the boy just took off his backpack and searched around for a bit taking out something and handing it to first as he pointed to his face and resumed his walking again.

Later Mark and Ohm had found First frozen in the middle of the hallway with a handkerchief in his hand which was still outstretched and yogurt still around his mouth.

༉‧₊˚.🍙𓏲 ˚₊✮

After school khao was walking with his bestfriend towards the exit when Neo gestured him to the school gate. There was a middle aged man leaning a bit against his car and was seemingly waiting for someone as he looked around offering the two kids a warm smile once he noticed them approaching. Neo smiled and offered a greeting to the said male while khao just gave a light nod and got into the car, waving bye to this friend.

The ride back home was awkward and well silent, it was mostly always like this so both were used to it by now. The driving male glanced at the boy in the backseat through the rearview mirror, who seemed to be lost in his own thoughts looking out of the window. He sighed, as he focused back on the road.

After he parked the car in the driveway, he turned around to see the kid had fallen asleep, which now explains why Khao hadn't rushed inside as soon as he parked like the other times. So, the older male slowly opens the door and softly calls his name giving his shoulder a little shake. The younger boy flinches a bit as he opens his eyes and leaves the car getting inside the house followed by the other man.

Once inside Khaotung was welcomed with a hug from another male, who had a soft smile on his face as he looked at his son and signed asking how his day was and khao gave a small smile to his father as he signed back a " It was okay" and walked up to his room.

"So was it again the same awkward ride home again?" The shorter male asked with amusement as he walked up to his boyfriend offering a hug.

"Mix you know how it goes when you send me to pick Khao up, I get nervous and I don't even know if he likes being around me," the taller male hugged his partner as his eyes sadly casted towards the younger kid's room. "Don't think too much, as much as I can tell, Tung doesn't really hate you, but Earth you'll have to wait for him to come around" Mix gave his partner a comforting squeeze as he walked towards the kitchen followed by the taller male who was saying something about helping him with dinner.

Khaotung was in his room, paintbrush in hand, sitting infront of the white canvas. Whenever he felt an emotion he wanted to draw it, he wanted to see those emotions by himself, he wanted to feel the colors of the things he felt. But, today he sat there trying to figure out the emotions he experienced today, it felt different. It annoyed him that he wasn't able to pinpoint what he was feeling.

His mind went back to the encounter he had with that weird guitar boy today, his big round eyes, his awkward face and the way his lips were moving, but he couldn't hear a thing. Yes, Khaotung was deaf, everything around him was silent and now he wondered what the other boy might have said to him, he smiled a bit recalling that confused look on the taller male's face when khao had left him in the hallway and with the other boy still in his head, his hand started moving on it's own accord forming strokes in the vacant white canvas.


I have always wanted to see Earthmix as parents I don't know why but I hope it isn't too weird and I hope you enjoy the story🦑༉‧₊˚.

-lots of love^^

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