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Khaotung was as seated on his usual seat, adding up some finishing touches to his drawing that had to be submitted for his final exam review. After keeping his painbrush and palette down on his desk, he stretches a bit standing up and moving towards the window.

The sky was clear and the sun rays shone down bright reflecting the grass, there was a slow breeze blowing, the leaves on the tree swaying with it. With summer just setting in, it was a beautiful weather to be out. He took a deep inhale as he let his eyes soak in the scene and he won't accept it but he had been looking forward to being in school today, he was kind of expecting he would see bambi eyes again, he smiled a bit trying to shake his thoughts off but was startled when he was pulled out of his trance by a hand resting on his shoulder.

He turned around to be greeted by three faces, who just smiled at him with a hint of bitterness. A hint of dread filled him up as he now stared at them. Ofcourse he knew who these guys were, they never left a chance to pick on him.

"Well who do we have here" the guy in the middle spoke up still smiling at the shorter boy, who just tried his best to ignore them and stepped forward trying to get out of here. But before he could take another step ahead he was harshly pulled back.

"Do you think, just because you're deaf you should get more advantages huh?," "You think you can draw?? the teacher just praises you because he pities you, because a deaf boy like you shouldn't be here, shouldn't be taking the title that belongs to me" Khaotung couldn't understand what he was saying but he could feel the emotions emitted by the person infront of him, and his eyes showed hatred. And with each sentence, the boy was taking a step forward, making him take a step back until his back collided with the wall behind him. The boy raised his hand and the smaller boy cowered a bit and closed his eyes expecting a hit but he felt his jaw being gripped as the other boy made him face them, the other one was still smiling maliciously and suddenly he was jerked back as the other boy took a hold of something.

Khao felt dread filling up his body as he saw what the other boy was holding, he jumped forward as he tried to snatch it back only for him to be strongly pushed back and the other two boys held him as he watched the other boy laugh out before he gripped the painting infront of him and tore it off, ripping it to pieces.

The smaller boy felt his knees go weak, tears threatened to spill from his eyes as he slowly picked up the ruins of his art. He hated this, he hated feeling weak. He could've just punched the other person back but then again it would be three against one, which means it could end up badly on his side. And now he didn't even have an a drawing he could submit, and actually he didn't want to be in school anymore. So, he stood up and ran, he didn't care that he was bumping into some of the students on the way, he just ran as far as he could and he kept running until his legs came to a halt in front of a park.

The park was empty as he made his was towards the toy tunnel, that was blocked a by the sight of the slide. Khaotung was relatively smaller in size as compared to the other kids his age, so he crouched down and made himself comfortable inside, he was tired.

He doesn't know when he fell asleep but when he woke up he was faced with a small kid poking a finger to his cheek. He smiled at the kid, who's face lit up as he offered a wide smile to the other taking out a lollipop from his pocket and placing it in the older boy's palm. Khao thought the kid wanted him to open the candy, so he unwraps it and gives it back, to which the kid takes the candy from his hands and brings it to his lips urging him to open his mouth, the older boy compiles and the kid places the lollipop in his mouth and runs out waving his hands, bidding him bye.

He too now walks out of the tunnel, sitting down on the swing set not too far away. He grips the chains holding the seat and sways a little, recollecting the unfortunate events this morning he looks down at his legs swaying back and forth.

He felt droplets of water hit his sweater and seep onto his skin. He knew he felt something, but he hadn't realised it was rain, not until the sky turned gray and began to cry out, his clothes and hair began to dampen. He hated it, he hated being wet but he didn't stand up to leave. And it was like as if his tears were flowing with the rain. His whole body shook, but he didn't know if it was because of crying or the cold.

"It's okay" he kept telling himself, "it's just a drawing", "You are not weak", in his head he kept on repeating it to himself wrapping his arm around himself for some comfort.

And as he calmed down, the corner of his eyes caught sight of a pair of shoes in front of him, he sniffled a little as he looked up and even with his vision clouded with tears and rain, he could never mistake those big eyes, which now looked down at him filled with concern.

The smaller boy didn't say anything, but instead reached forward and wrapped his arms tightly around the taller boy's stomach, engulfing him in a hug.

                              ༉‧₊˚.🍙𓏲 ˚₊✮

Having waited for the other boy the whole day and the other boy not showing up made First worry a bit, because what could have happened for the smaller one to even miss school and for this his only clue was Neo, the boy Khao was always walking around with but when he encountered the other boy in the cafeteria during lunch, he was alone. And on asking, the boy had said that the shorter boy had not informed him about not being present today, so he too was confused.

And after seeing off his friends, First was on his way home, when suddenly the rain had decided it was the perfect timing to be bestowed upon. Frowning as he tried to cover himself from the waterdrops as he ran, his steps came to halt as his eyes caught the sight of someone, sitting on a swing in the middle of a deserted park and he seemed to know who this someone was.

He slowly but steadily made his way towards the shivering figure, and sure enough it was the boy he had been hoping to see the whole day.

And that's how he was here now, standing in the middle of the park with the smaller boy hugging his waist and him hoisting up his leather jacket over both of their heads.

After a while Khaotung let go of his waist, and stood up staring at him. No one spoke for a moment but it felt like no one even had to speak for their eyes spoke a lot in the moment.

First was about to open his mouth and offer him to walk till his house when he heard a loud and worried voice call out, "KHAO, Is that you?", the smaller boy didn't hear it ofcourse but First pointed behind him.

And soon enough Earth was running towards their direction, worried as he reached Khaotung and signed asking if he was okay, to which the other nodded. The older man turned around noticing the other presence by his side and opened an umbrella, handing it to First.

The taller boy accepted the umbrella, thanking the man wondering who he was, but with the way he looked so much worried about the younger boy earlier, it must be his older brother and well they did not look very similar.

First was pulled out of his thoughts by Khao tugging on his shoulder sleeve, "Thank you for earlier" the younger boy signed.

First's smile grew wide "See you tomorrow?" the taller male signed back with a bit of uncertainty still not very sure about his sign language skills.

"See you tomorrow" And with that Khao was leaving, as he waved bye, the other boy waved back enthusiastically and he bowed towards the older male.

Earth just watched their exchange with a soft fondness in his eyes.


To be honest when I started this story I never thought of a plot, like I am just going with the flow trying to make it atleast a bit readable?. But since I've started it already I quite enjoy writing it. If there are any mistakes please ignore it because english is not my first language so might be a bit lacking in that sense. Hope you enjoy the story 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒

-lots of luvs^^

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