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My ma found out she was pregnant with me around the time her and my papà weren't on exactly good terms or per say. Papà was acussed of having a secret child, which of course caused a big fight between my papà and ma. My brother, Ace, was around 4 at the time, and they would fight about this unknown woman and child day and night. When they came to terms with it, I was announced. My ma and papà soon decided to try marriage counseling, to make their marriage work, for me and my brother for the least. 5 months into my development, Christian, my half brother, ma had died in a sudden accident, resulting in him moving in with us. Christian was around 2 at that time, and Ace, my brother, was very welecoming. He loved the idea of having a little brother and would spend every second he could with him. I was soon born 2 months or so later, and we soon became one big happy family. Growing up, I got everything I wanted, you know me being the only girl in all. My ma never showed favoritism towards me and my two brothers, but for my papà, well you can just say that I was a daddy's girl. Every trip my papà would take for work, he would always remember to bring me back a gift or doll. Of course he loved my brothers as well and would gift them with nice things also, but with me, papà would treat me like his little angel sent from above. My papàs work wasn't like any other job. He killed bad men for a living, sort of like a bounty hunter. He would always take trips to complete these missions, meaning he wasn't really never home. Though when he was home, he would make sure to spend every second with me. We had this chart of adventures, and every weekend I got to pick a fun place for me and my brothers to go. Afterwards, we would get icecream, then me and papà would watch anime all night, though I was always first asleep. When I turned 11, my papà bought me a white pony, and of course my ma was upset about it. She complained that it was just another mouth to feed and a bottom to clean, but my papà didn't care. He would argue that it's what I always wanted and that I deserved it. My ma and papà would always fight over me. Ma complained on how much he spoiled me and showed favoritism while my papà would argue in difference. When I turned 15, my papà threw a big quinceanera for me, celebrating me becoming a woman. He would complain on how he wouldn't be here any longer and I would argue for him to shut it. The day of my party, was the day I realized my papà was always right, about everything. That day, was the day my papà was murdered, protecting me.

 "Rory, you got 10 seconds, tops or Chris and I will leave you!!" Ace, yelled from downstairs

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"Rory, you got 10 seconds, tops or Chris and I will leave you!!" Ace, yelled from downstairs.

Rolling my eyes as though he could see me, I continue to carefully apply my mascara, trying not to poke my eye out.

"I'll be down when I finish!" I respond back, from the hall bathroom.




"6!" Ace counted down just as I finish with closing my mascara top. Quickly and in a hurry, I run back into my room, to grab my backpack, phone, purse, cup, and shoes.

Yes, you could say that im doing too much. I don't mind your honesty. But as a girl, and the only one in the house. I need everything I grab. I'm the only girl of the familia, which of course is my weakness. My brothers and primos, would always take advantage of the fact that im the only girl. I have 0 primas, and about 12 primos. So when my ma told the familia about me being a girl, I became a miracle baby.

Though my primos used me to get everything they couldn't if they asked. Making fake promises and bidding me up. Until one day, I realized that I was just being used, and well you could say that my primos didn't get away with it.

Slowly walking down the stairs, I pay close attention to every step my foot takes. After breaking my leg, sliding down the stairs on a pillow when I was 8, Ace and Chris was the master mind behind it all. I've been extra careful ever since. Getting to the last step, I finally look up from at my feet to come eye to eye with Chris, giving me a 'seriously' expression.

My cheeks burns, making me look away embarrassed. Pushing chris out of my way, I head for the front door to leave, noticing that Ace went to the car to wait.
"Are you nervous niñera?" My big brother, Ace, asks. I turn my head to look at him fully. My eyes squint in annoyance at the sight.

"Put on your seatbelt." is all I say, and turn back to looking out my side of the window. Chris let me take the front seat, but now im slightly regretting it, since Ace seems to can't leave me alone.

First he's been nagging me about my attire. Complaining that 'it's too revealing' while the only thing thats showing is my legs. I'm currently in my school attire which consists of a button up white top, along with a navy blue, plaid-box pattern skirt. Though the skirt is too short for my liking, it doesn't bother me too much tho.

"I'm stuck inside of a building full of unknown weirdos, how can I not be nervous?" I finally respond to Ace's question.

It's the first day of my senior year, and im not liking it very much. It all started about 3 months ago, when my loving ma decided to drag me out of my loving private school, and into a public high school with Chris. Ace graduated high school about 3 to 4 years ago, and is currently on his last semester of college. Chris was supposed to graduate as well, but he's just flat out dumb. I don't even know why bro keeps trying at this point.

"We could get Mickey D's before school. It'll make you feel better." Ace implies, dragging me out of my inner thoughts.

A smile lights up my face causing Ace to chuckle, along with stupid Chris in the back. Chris has been stuck in his phone since summer break, partly because of his girlfriend. She spent her summer im florida with familia, meaning they didn't see one another all summer break. I bet he's happy to be back at this hell hole of a school.

I smile happily down at my biscuit, frappe and hash-browns. Knowing that the stomach pain is about to be top 10. I still bite into my soft, buttery biscuit and sip on my frappe though.

A moan of delight slips my mouth. Closing my eyes, I fully enjoy every bite I take. I hear a chuckle from the side of me causing my face to scrunch in annoyance. Lifting my left arm, I smack Ace in his chest then continue to eat my food as if nothing happened.

He yelped in pain, his hand instantly going to his chest to clinch it, causing me and Chris to burst into laughter in sync.

As we pull up to the carpool, the mc biscuit I just finished swallowing starts to come up. I really really hate this.

First chapter are we loving itt??
Hopefully I could post a chapter every two weeks.. Due to school and my end of the year exams, I've been busy...

'Primas'- Girl cousins
'Primos'- Boy cousins
'Niñera'- Baby sis
'Familia'- Family

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