Chapter Five: Wait. . . Where's-

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". . . So, you're saying you saw the creature attack B?"

Cameron would ask the moon child, who was still very startled but had accepted that had happened, had actually occurred, and wasn't a nightmare.

"Yes. I did. I knew something bad was going to happen. We need to be careful, I don't want it to happen again, and I don't think any of you do either."

"Yah, that would be bad."

The Jersey, orange girl would say, nodding her head as she once again sprayed some of her hairspray.

"Say, where's that farm boy. I've not seen him since, like, before the Staci incident."

She'd scoff as she placed her hairspray away, glancing around at the remaining campers.

As everyone stayed silent, this would raise an eyebrow from her before her expression became one of irritation.

"So, nobody knows where the ginger is? Oh, good."

". . . Well, he can't be far. We're stuck here, right? So, I say we get into groups of,"

The cadet would pause as he counted everyone.

"We get into 3 groups of 3, and we look for Scott. But, whatever we do, do not stray away from your group. We do not want a redo of what just happened. . ."

He'd trail off, shuddering as he thought about it. It scared him to his core, and it was even a surprise to him that he hadn't pissed himself yet, but then again, he had to suck it up if he did, because he couldn't go to the confessional to clean himself up. Especially not while she's still hanging there.

"Kay, how will we get into these groups, because I am not getting into a group with Red head here or blondie."

The Jersey girl spoke again, pointing to Zoey and then Dakota, a disgusted expression on her face.

"We didn't want to go with you either, Anne Maria."

The redhead would frown because sighing slightly. Despite not liking Anne Maria, she also didn't like upsetting people a lot more.

The idiotic Jock and the cadet would share a glance before Brick spoke again.

". . . Right. I'll pick groups. Anne Maria, Cameron, and Dawn. You three together."

He'd say, pointing to each of them before going onto the next group.

"Sam, Dakota and-"

He'd pause, realising he couldn't split the couple up, so that left Lightning.

"And Lightning. You are a three. So that leaves Zoey, Mike, and I as the final three. So, I guess we start the search."

The military boy would smile, nodding slightly. He was honestly quite proud of himself for taking charge. He knew that if Jo was here, she'd probably be impressed, but she wasn't here. And he wasn't planning on anyone else being killed.

Brick and his two other group members would make it to the Dock of shame, and he'd glance around, his gaze settling on a pair of footprints in the sand.

Silently, he'd glance back at the dear couple and back at the ground before quietly jumping down from the Dock and following the pair of footprints.

He knew he himself told everyone not to leave their groups, and he was disobeying his own rules, but his curiosity got the better of him. It always did in the end.

Eventually, the footprints came to an end, and Brick would see Scott, sitting at the waters edge, tying his shoe lace.

"Scott! Where have you been?"

He'd ask, a smile on his face, but a small tone of worry creeping into his voice. He hadn't been seen for a few days, and he's just. . . Tying his shoe lace as if nothing has been going on.

"Well, can't lie to you, I saw Chris and Chef leaving. I tried to catch up, which I couldn't. Go figure."

The ginger would scoff as he stood upright, wiping sand off of his hands.

"It's a lot easier catching a hog. And, I can't even catch one. Al can. She's the- Jesus. I'm getting off track. Anyway, I saw them drive away in a boat, and I've just been here. Why?"

The boy would raise an eyebrow before he frowned, noticing Zoey and Mike come walking up behind Brick.

Scott didn't really get along with Mike, which meant that Zoey wasn't a fan of him either. To be fair, he wasn't that bothered. Most of the people on the island didn't like him. And he didn't like them either.

"Oh, hey Scott. Good to see you."

Zoey would nod slightly, having an arm around Mike's arm. She genuinely was glad to see Scott not dead and found, well and healthy.

"Yeah, g'day, mate."

Mike would say, tipping his hat slightly. Obviously, this caught Scott and Brick off guard.

". . . Uhm, Zoey? Did Mike hit his head- I mean, I find his jokes funny, but is it really the time for him to do that?"

Brick would chuckle awkwardly. He couldn't get mad at them. They were his friends, but he was slightly confused. Surely, this isn't the right time for acting.

Scott, on the other hand, would narrow his eyes at him.

". . . Great. We're stuck on an island with a Personality changing, hat loving loser. Fun."
After around an hour, everyone would be back at camp, mostly everyone were in the cabins, but everyone would be accounted for. Scott included this time.

"Sha-Buddy! Where have you been?"

Jockstrap would chuckle, giving him a high-five. Lightning hadn't actually realised Scott wasn't gone till it was mentioned, nobody did, Scott knew that, but he could excuse Lightning. Lightning was probably his closest friend on the island right now. And he was dumb. He wouldn't have noticed anyone being missing unless it was brought up.

"Oh, you know, just out and about."

The farm boy would chuckle, returning the high-five, sitting beside him on the stairs to the cabin.

"What have I missed? Anything important happen? Hm?"

He'd roll his eyes in a joking manner, leaning back slightly as a quiet chuckle escaped his mouth.

"Oh, I mean, Staci and B-"

"Beverly? Jesus. I can't imagine being called Beverly as a guy, but continue."

"Definitely. Anyway- where was I. . . Oh, right. Staci and B were killed, and I'm pretty sure Jo killed himself."

At that, Scott would fall silent.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08 ⏰

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