Chico 1

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There she goes again, Misa, winning three awards in a row. The girl I've admired from afar. She's truly something special, not just stunningly beautiful, but also incredibly smart. Winning every competition like it's no big deal, she's easily one of the most impressive students in the whole USA.

"Hey, Chico, what's up with Jules?" My friend's voice interrupts my thoughts, but my mind is still on Misa. Jules, a nice girl and all, but she's not the one who got  my attention. Misa's the one who's been on my mind lately, even though we're not exactly close.

Faith's words bring me back to reality. "Honestly, Misa, are you even human? Do you ever have any free time?" she asks, clearly impressed. "How do you manage to come out on top in every competition, from math to history? It's insane!"

"Thanks, Faith," Misa responds shyly. "Honestly, I have no idea how I do it. Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe I've got some kind of superpower. We both know that I barely study?"

As they share a laugh, I can't help but feel a pang of admiration for Misa. She may not know it, but she's been the object of my crush for a while now, and seeing her excel in everything she does only makes me admire her more.


As the principal's voice breaks through the hallway chaos, signaling the end of our little gathering, I can't help but watch Misa as she effortlessly glides back to class. She's like a superstar, commanding attention without even trying.

"Hey, Chico, you coming?" Lorenzo elbows me, snapping me out of my Misa trance with a smirk.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," I reply, tearing my gaze away from Misa. We walk through the crowd of students together.

"So, what's the deal with you and Jules?" Lorenzo asks, raising his eyebrows. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

"Dude, not this again," I groan, running my hand through my hair. "I've told you a million times, we're just friends."

Lorenzo laughs, nudging me playfully. "Sure thing, man."

As we turn the corner, I sneak one last peek at Misa, watching her blend into the crowd. She's something else, man. Maybe one day I'll work up the courage to actually talk to her. But for now, I'll just admire from a distance and wonder what it would be like to be in her world.


Sitting in English class, my mind drifts far from the lesson, lost in thoughts of Misa's infectious laughter and captivating smile. Beside me, Lorenzo and Jules chatter away, but their words barely register as I daydream.

Suddenly, our teacher's voice cuts through my reverie, and I look up to find her grinning in my direction. With a playful glint in her eye, she tosses a lighthearted comment my way.

The teacher continues to talk to me. I play along, enjoying the break from the monotony of the lesson.

Meanwhile, I notice Jules watching the conversation with thinly veiled jealousy.Whispers and glances are exchanged between her and the other girls in the class, fueled by a mix of envy and curiosity. It's clear that my conversation with the teacher has made me the center of attention, sparking a silent competition among the girls.


As the bell rings, signaling our break, I join Lorenzo and Jules as we head to the cafeteria, chatting and laughing along the way. When we reach our usual spot, our friends are already there, having a conversation.

Lia's mischievous grin catches my attention as she pulls out a dish from her bag, filling the air with a aroma. Lorenzo, always curious about food, is the first to ask, and Lia proudly announces that it's Misa's famous homemade lasagna.

Excitement ripples through the group, even Jules perks up at the mention of food. I can't help but admire Lia's cool vibe as she sets the dish down. She's always been a great friend, and her gesture of bringing Misa's cooking just adds to her awesomeness.

As Lia dishes out servings of lasagna, the air fills with laughter and chatter. I take in the scene, feeling grateful for moments like these, surrounded by good friends and good food.

With each bite, I savor the flavors and the company, feeling lucky to have friends like Lia, Lorenz, and the rest of the group in my life. Moments like these remind me of what truly matters, and I couldn't be more thankful.


As the PE teacher drops the bomb about running, there's this collective groan that fills the gym. Me, Jules, and Lorenzo shoot each other these looks like, "Seriously?"

But then my eyes wander over to Misa, standing there with her friend Faith, looking totally chill. And man, Misa's looks hot in  those shorts. I can't help but check her out - she's got this confidence and vibe that's just, well, attractive.

Meanwhile, all the other girls in the class are stealing glances at Lorenzo like they're lowkey crushing on him.

When the teacher blows the whistle, it's go time. I join the run, but my mind's still stuck on Misa, and yeah, maybe I'm a little distracted by her.


As Jules suggests hanging out after school, both Lorenzo and I nod in agreement. "Yeah, sounds cool. We could hit the park or something," Lorenzo adds.

But as my attention drifts towards Misa and Faith passing by, I feel my cheeks flush with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Did Misa just look at me?

Meanwhile, Jules notices Chico's distraction, feeling a tinge of jealousy but unsure of the cause.

Jules: "Chico, you seem quiet. Everything okay?"

Chico: "Yeah, I'm good. Just lost in thought. Hanging out sounds great."

But under Jules's calm face, She wonders who has caught his attention.Her curiosity grows, tinged with a hint of jealousy.

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