Misa 2

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In the car on our way to our café shift, Faith and I chat about our latest TV obsession, Skins. Faith is  all hyped up about Tony, the show's troublemaker.

"Have you seen Tony?" Faith bursts out. "He's like, so hot !"

I chuckle, shaking my head. "I don't know, Faith. Tony's a bit too much of a player for me."

Faith just shrugs. "Come on, Misa, you have to admit, there's something hot about him."

As we drive through traffic, our conversation jumps between Skins theories and real-life gossip. Despite our different tastes in TV crushes, I'm grateful for these car rides with Faith, where we can bond over our shared love for drama, both on and off the screen.

Once we're at the café, my thoughts about Skins fades away as we dive into our shift. The busy atmosphere of the café keeps me occupied.


As Faith and I hustle through our shift at the café, a cute customer catches my eye. He's not tall, but he's got a friendly vibe and black hair that stands out.

We chat, and before I know it, we're laughing and joking. It feels good, and I can feel myself blushing.

"So, what's good here? Any recommendations?" he asks with a smile.

"Definitely the iced lattes. They're our specialty," I reply, feeling a bit flustered.

Our conversation flows smoothly, and I can't ignore the flirty tone in his voice.

"Well, if the coffee's as good as the company, I might just have to come back for more," he says, making me laugh.

I feel flattered, but when he leaves, Faith teases me.

"So, who was that guy? He was totally into you," she grins.

I shrug, trying to play it cool.

"Just a customer. He seemed nice," I say, but Faith sees right through me.

"Uh-huh, sure. Why didn't you get his number then? He was totally your type!" she says.

I hesitate, not wanting to admit the truth.

"I don't know, he's just not really my type. Plus, I'm not really looking for anything right now," I say, hoping to change the subject.

As we finish our shift, I can't shake the feeling of curiosity about what could have been. But for now, I push those thoughts aside and focus on my work.


As Faith drives me home after our shift, our conversation turns to cute guys at school. Annie mentions Alex, but quickly points out his player reputation.

"You know, I think Alex is cute, but let's be real, he's such a player," she says.

I nod in agreement, thinking about Alex's smooth-talking ways.

"Yeah, definitely not my type. What about Chico and Lorenzo though?" I ask.

Faith's expression lights up at the mention of Chico and Lorenzo.

"Oh, they're definitely the finest boys in our school, no doubt. But they're so quiet, it's like they're a mystery and everybody are in love with them even the teachers," she replies.

I listen casually, not showing much interest in the topic. My mind wanders as I gaze out of the window, lost in my own thoughts.

Our conversation then shifts to makeup, with Annie wondering aloud if we look better with it or without it.

"Do you think we look better with makeup or without it? Sometimes I can't decide," she muses.

I think for a moment before responding.

"I think it depends. Makeup can enhance our features, but there's also something beautiful about natural beauty, you know?" I reply.

Our  conversation changes to hairstyles. I turn to Faith with a grin.

"Hey, what do you think about box braids next? I've been thinking about trying them out," I suggest.

Faith's eyes light up with excitement as we continue discussing our next hairstyle.


Me and Faith have been inseparable since we were kids, and I can't imagine my life without her.

Faith has always been the open, pretty one, the kind of girl who turns heads without even trying. But to me, she's more than just pretty. She's the one who makes me laugh until my stomach hurts, the one who's there for me through thick and thin.

I think about all the memories we've made together, from silly sleepovers to deep conversations about crushes and dreams. Faith's family has become like a second family to me, welcoming me with open arms and filling my life with love and warmth.

As I steal a glance at Faith, a warm feeling fills my chest. Faith isn't just my best friend, she's my partner in crime, my soul sister, and the one who's taught me what true friendship means.

In that moment, I can't help but feel grateful. I know I'm lucky to have Faith by my side, and I silently thank the universe for bringing us together. With Faith in my life, I feel like I can take on anything.

Entering my house, I call out for my parents and sister, but the silence echoes back at me. Shrugging off the unease, I make my way to Lia's room, where I find her lying on her bed with her iPad, probably watching another episode of Gossip Girl.

"Hey, Lia," I say, flopping down on her bed.

Lia looks up, a bright smile lighting up her face. "Hey, Misa! What's up?" she asks, hitting pause on her show.

We launch into a conversation, talking about our school day.Laughter fills the room as we talk about the hilarious moments we've shared. It's refreshing to catch up and bond.

As our chat winds down, Lia casually mentions that there's leftover pizza in the kitchen. My stomach rumbles at the mention of food, and I thank her before heading off.

"See ya later, Lia!" I call out over my shoulder as I leave her room, feeling grateful for having her as a sister.
After my meal, I head to the bathroom for skincare and schoolwork. Once I'm done, I settle into bed, thinking about my day before falling asleep.

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