the day we've all been waiting for

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As soon as the bell rang, students started storming outside, each going to their friend groups. Twilight stepped out of the class with a beaming smile and walked towards the crowded halls, attempting to find her friends. It's everyone's favorite day, Friday! And on top of that, it's the start of summer break! Twilight's best friends decided to spend it all together since none of them were going out of town.

When she was already outside, she was stopped by one of her friends, Rainbow Dash.

"Hey dude!" the rainbow-haired girl greeted.

"Hi, Rainbow," Twilight said, pushing her glasses up since they were slipping off.

"Have you seen the others? I'm kinda in the rush to tell Flutters something," Rainbow asked, sitting down at their usual spot near the portal door.

"No, I haven't, what is it that you're telling her?" the purple haired girl followed her friend's lead.

Rainbow Dash blushed at this question, "Oh, nothing important..."

Twilight giggled softly, "Don't act like I didn't see that blush forming."

Her friend gripped her baggy shorts before speaking, "It's that obvious...Huh?"

Twilight patted her on the shoulder, "Dash...Everyone knows, except, well- Fluttershy."

Rainbow groaned, "Ugh, why does love have to be so hardddd."

"I ask myself that question every day," Twilight mumbled.

"What was that?" her friend turned to look at the girl who was deep in her thoughts.

Twilight was about to say something but was interrupted by a loud voice.

"Hiya, girls! I found everyone but you guys," Pinkie Pie ran towards them and hugged the duo, the group behind her following.

"Oh my, we certainly need to add some improvements here, like, adding chairs around here! The floor is getting dirtier every day," Rarity rambled as she motioned to the grass.

"We get it sugarcube, you don't have to sit down," the girl with a thick southern accent said as Rarity rolled her eyes.

Sunset Shimmer giggled and sat down next to Twilight, wrapping her arm around her shoulder. The curly-haired girl has been making moves on her friend, like holding her and flirting with her as a joke.

A joke... Twilight thought sorrowfully.

"So are we doing anything for today?" Sunset asked, breaking Twilight out of her thoughts.

"Well, I was going to the animal shelter to help my parents, sorry guys," the timid girl, Fluttershy said.

"Oh, can I join?" Rainbow said a little too loud.

"S-Sure, I'm sure my parents won't mind," the shy girl smiled slightly.

A quiet "Yes!" was heard from Rainbow Dash afterward.

"Sorry darling, not today, Applejack and I are going on a small date," Rarity said as she wrapped her hands around her girlfriend's muscular arm.

"Yep, maybe tomorrow?" Applejack suggested.

"Yes! I gotta go though, work is calling me!" Pinkie Pie waved goodbye to them and skipped to the car that was waiting for her.

Pinkie was so glad she was now 16, she could finally help in the bakery she always wanted to work at.

"Well, alright," Sunset's eyes met Twilight's purple orbs, "What about you?"

The purple-haired girl broke eye contact and looked down on her lap, "N-Nothing, you can come to my house if you want...? My mom's making dinner."

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