disaster at it's finest

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a/n: i made sunset have parents  ඩා

Okay, yeah, she was totally not calm.

"Drive safe," said the girl holding the door.

"Of course."

As soon as the door shut, she stood still. She actually cannot believe that happened. Sunset walked casually to her car. Once she hopped in, she inserted her keys and drove few blocks away from Twilight's house. When she stopped near a dark alley, she gripped on the steering wheel.

"Ugh!" Sunset groaned as she continuously beeped her horn and jumped on her seat. Once she let that out, she calmed herself down.

What if she accidentally messed up their friendship?

Now, at first she played it cool when she asked if she could have a kiss.

That was just an excuse to feel Twilight's lips on her own.

And, well, it worked.

In their friend group, she was the calmest one of them all, apart from Applejack. So, it was no surprise that she acted calm. In reality, Sunset wanted to jump off a cliff right there and then. Not because the kiss was bad. Don't get her wrong, the kiss was magical. It was way better than those crappy smooches she received from her exes. The thing that wanted to make her die was the fact how Twilight reacted after the kiss.

At first, she knew the girl wasn't uncomfortable, just confused. If she was, she knew Twilight would've said something to her.

Sunset recalled the kiss, imagining it again. Twilight's lips were soft, softer than that marshmallow that she ate back in Pinkie's recent sleepover, and mind you, Pinkie's marshmallows are really soft. She remembered the exact chapstick Twilight applied that day, cotton candy chapstick. She remembered how soft her face was when she was caressing her cheek. She remembered how Twilight was trembling under her tou-

"Woof, woof!" she heard a distant bark.

Sunset snapped out of her trance, adjusting her rearview mirror. There, she saw a dog. A dog and a random guy, who she'd assume was the owner. She then flushed in embarrassment, forgetting she was in an alley where people totally don't pass by.

Pushing the reverse brake, she rolled down her window to come in contact with the stranger, "Sorry," she then drove off to her home.

She heard a distant, "It's okay!" when she was no longer in sight.

That was fucking embarrassing She thought.

Arriving at her dad's owned hotel, she parked to the back of the building. Sighing, she got off and grabbed her stuff from the passenger seat. Upon walking to the door, she encountered a few raccoons. She was already used to them, given that she lived here for a couple of years. Every now and then these rascals would come out from the trash cans searching for food. She giggled and reached for her opened chips that were in her backpack. She placed the bag down and proceeded to walk to her destination.

"There you are! I was wondering when you would arrive," Sunset Shimmer's dad, Sundawn, exclaimed from the reception area, acting as if his daughter ran away.

"Chillax dad, I was just out with Twilight," Sunset answered while resting her head on the desk.

Sundawn raised an eyebrow, "As in out out? Or as friends?"

Sunset covered her flushed face, "Ugh, dad, as friends!"

Her dad chuckled, "Alright, I believe ya," he said, ruffling Sunset's already messy hair.

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