overthinking the littlest things

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As soon as Twilight shut the door, she stood there, unsure of what to do. Her mind was full of just Sunset, nothing else.

Not even her daily chemistry problems she would solve in her head, for goodness sake!

When Twilight was done pondering, she turned her heel only to be met with her dad.

"Sweetie, you okay?" her dad asked, concern scribbled all over his face.

"Um- yeah!" was all that Twilight could say.

"Twilight dear, I know you," he got on her level, "I'm literally your dad."

Twilight chuckled, "Of course, like I didn't know that," she sarcastically said.

"Now, what's bothering you? Did you and Sunset get into a fight?" he asked, a frown visible on his face, "You guys didn't talk at all when you guys were eating breakfast, which was unusual."

"No, we didn't get into a fight," she gave her dad a reassuring smile, "just, thinking..."

"Well, I wish we could continue this conversation, but I promised my friend I'd help him with something," Night Light said in a sad tone, "but, if you ever want to talk about something, make sure to tell your mom and I."

Twilight smiled and nodded, "Of course," she hugged her dad, "thank you, and have fun!"

"You're welcome," he said, kissing his daughter on the cheek, "if something is bothering you, make sure to distract yourself, okay?"

"Yes, dad," she said, giving him a last goodbye kiss on his cheek.

Twilight went upstairs to her room to get things off her mind. She tried drawing, no use. Tried reading one of her books, but it didn't work. Lastly, she tried to study math and chemistry, which also didn't work. Out of ideas, she plopped down on her bed, facing the ceiling. The only thing she didn't try was listening to music.

Of course, why couldn't she think of that?

She sat up on her bed and grabbed her phone. Only to be met with some notifications.

[PROJECT SEKAI] Kohane's Birthday Show is About to Begin!


[FROM SHEIN] Your package was delivered!

[LIFE 360] sunset shimmer arrived at sunset's house :D 23 minutes ago.

23 minutes ago...

Twilight stared at her phone, remembering that Sunset told her she would text her when she arrived at her home.

She probably forgot Twilight thought, hoping that was the real reason why.

To pass time, she decided to ask her friends if they wanted to call.

lesbians are real:

twi :3



In no more than 20 seconds, her phone vibrated.




yes !

i JUST got back from my date with aj


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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